Mon 3-June-2024


OIC slams Israeli closure of Ibrahimi Mosque calls for int’l action

The General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has strongly denounced the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) for closing the Ibrahimi Mosque in al-Khalil City to Muslim worshipers and preventing the Mosque’s Adhan (call to prayer).

OIC: Al-Aqsa Mosque is a red line

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) warned against harming Al-Aqsa Mosque stressing that it is a "red line" and it will not accept any illegal measures that affect the occupied city of Jerusalem.

OIC holds an extraordinary meeting on Al-Aqsa

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) will hold an extraordinary meeting in Jeddah next Monday in response to a request from the Republic of Indonesia to discuss the escalating Israeli violations in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

OIC calls for int’l pressure for release of sick prisoners

The General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has called on the UN the Red Cross and all international parties to pressure the Israeli government to release the Palestinian prisoners with chronic health problems.

OIC: Israel’s annexation step will not serve the peace process

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has emphasized that any unilateral action by Israel to annex Arab land would not serve the peace process and would violate international resolutions.

OIC deplores Israel’s intent to build settlement in al-Khalil

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Tuesday strongly denounced Israel’s decision to build a new settlement in the heart of the West Bank city of al-Khalil.

OIC to hold meeting today over Israel’s annexation plans

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) intends to convene an emergency meeting at the request of Saudi Arabia to discuss Israel’s stated intents to annex West Bank areas according to Turkey’s foreign ministry.

OIC emphasizes status of Jerusalem and Aqsa Mosque

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has reasserted its support for the Palestinian people and their right to Jerusalem “the capital of their future state” calling on the international community to work on ending Israel’s occupation of Palestine.

Aruri asks OIC to hold urgent conference on Jerusalem

Deputy head of Hamas’s political bureau Saleh al-Aruri has called on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to hold an urgent conference entitled “Jerusalem and its protection” in response to the mass demolitions in Sur Baher town.

OIC decides to establish permanent fund for UNRWA

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has adopted a resolution approving the establishment of an endowment fund to ensure sustainable funding for UNRWA’s activities.