Mon 16-September-2024

Occupied territory

Jewish settlers burn agricultural area in Burin town

A horde of Jewish settlers on Tuesday evening set fire to cultivated swaths of land and trees in Burin town south of Nablus in the occupied West Bank.

Three Palestinians injured by settlers in eastern Tubas

Three Palestinian young men suffered injuries on Sunday evening when a horde of Jewish settlers attacked them in the east of Tayasir village east of Tubas in the occupied West Bank.

Jewish settlers torch dozens of trees in western Salfit

A horde of extremist Jewish settlers on Friday set fire to dozens of fig and olive saplings in a Palestinian-owned grove in ar-Ras area of western Salfit under military protection.

Extremist settlers seize land set up outpost in Khirbet Zanuta

Extremist Jewish settlers on Saturday deployed four prefabricated houses on Palestinian-owned swaths of land in Khirbet Zanuta east of al-Dhahiriya town in al-Khalil.

Armed settlers burn vast tracts of agricultural land in Yatta

A horde of armed Jewish settlers on Tuesday evening set fire to swaths of Palestinian-owned cultivated land in the east of Yatta City south of al-Khalil City and prevented local residents from extinguishing the flames.

Ireland: Israel is involved in “de facto annexation of Palestine”

The Irish parliament has unanimously passed a motion condemning the “unlawful de facto annexation” of Palestinian land including east Jerusalem by the Israeli occupation authorities.

US State Department: West Bank is under Israeli occupation

US President Joe Biden's administration said Wednesday that Israel's control of the West Bank is indeed "occupation" clarifying its position after it recently released a report that avoided using the term and adopted language used by the previous administration of Donald Trump.

IOF seizes bulldozer in W. Bank village of Duma

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Sunday confiscated a Palestinian-owned bulldozer in Duma village south of Nablus.

Likud files Knesset bill to annex occupied Palestinian territories

Member of the Knesset May Golan (Likud) on Sunday submitted a bill calling for imposing Israel’s sovereignty on the occupied territories of the Jordan Valley the northern Dead Sea area and the West Bank.

IOF seizes school classroom in W. Bank hamlet

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Wednesday confiscated a prefabricated classroom belonging to Susiya School in the east of Yatta town in al-Khalil.