Fri 20-September-2024

Old City of Jerusalem

Hadmi: IOA seeks to empty J’lem Old City of residents and visitors

The Jerusalemite Commission Against Judaization has warned of dangers threatening Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque as the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) started nowadays to expel Muslim worshipers and activists from the Old City and the areas around the Aqsa Mosque and assault them.

Hadmi: Israel seeks to take over the Old City of Jerusalem

The Jerusalemite Commission Against Judaization has said that the Israeli occupation state has been displacing Palestinian citizens and appropriating their homes for decades.

IOF arrests Jerusalem’s shooter wife

The Israeli occupation forces arrested Monday afternoon the wife of the suspect of the shooting operation that was carried out Sunday morning in the Old City.

IOF breaks into Jerusalem shooter’s house arrests his brother

The Israeli police forces stormed Sunday afternoon Shafaat refugee camp in Occupied Jerusalem and broke into the house of the suspect of the shooting operation that was carried out Sunday morning in the Old City.

Despite lockdown Jewish settlers perform rituals in Old City

Despite the alleged Israeli lockdown on the Old City of Jerusalem dozens of Jewish settlers on Saturday swarmed al-Qattaneen market near the Aqsa Mosque and embarked on performing Talmudic rituals to mark the end of the Sukkot holiday.

Jordan slams Israeli intent to install elevator in J’lem Old City

Jordan has condemned an Israeli decision to install an elevator linking parts of the Old City of Occupied Jerusalem with the Buraq Wall the Aqsa Mosque’s western wall.

Israeli authorities close entrances of Jerusalem’s Old City

Israeli authorities on Tuesday closed all entrances to the Old City of Occupied Jerusalem.

Israeli police arrest five Jerusalemites assault others in Old City

The Israeli occupation police on Tuesday arrested at least five Jerusalemites and injured others after firing tear gas grenades and physically assaulting them in Occupied Jerusalem.

Recession threatens Jerusalem’s famous leather market

Jerusalem's leather market is one of city's most famous markets that is located in the Old City close to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

Preserving identity despite the Judaization

Al-Bashura Market is one of the oldest markets located within the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem.