Mon 16-September-2024

Olive harvest

IOF prevents Palestinian farmers from picking olives north of Tulkarem

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Wednesday prevented Palestinian farmers from Deir al-Ghusun town north of the West Bank city of Tulkarem from reaching their lands isolated by the separation wall.

Jewish settlers attack Palestinians steal olive harvest

Jewish settlers protected by Israeli occupation forces attacked Palestinian farmers and stole their harvest in the center of the West Bank city of al-Khalil on Tuesday.

Jewish settlers attack olive harvesters west of Salfit

Jewish settlers attacked Palestinian citizens while they were picking olives in Khilat Hassan area west of Biddya town west of the West Bank city of Salfit on Monday.

The olive harvest in Palestine threatened by settler terror

Palestinians are once again having to defend their own olive trees during harvesting season from Israeli settler vandalism while Israeli soldiers stand by.

Jewish settlers attack Palestinian olive pickers

A group of Jewish settlers attacked on Saturday morning Palestinian farmers while picking their olives in the village of Tuqou east of the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem.

ICRC: 9000 olive trees destroyed by Israel in one year

Over 9000 olive trees have been destroyed in the West Bank since August 2020 the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) revealed in a statement issued recently.

Palestinian farmers pick olive groves amid settler threats

Palestinian farmers in Qaryut town south of Nablus recently started picking their olives despite Israeli settlers' threats and attacks.

Olive harvest season to kick off in Gaza amid fears of low production

The Palestinian farmers in the beleaguered Gaza Strip are getting ready for the olive harvest season which the Ministry of Agriculture has set on October 12 amid calls to delay it in order to enhance the production of olive oil following expectations that this season could be less productive than previous years.

Jewish settlers attack olive harvesters south of Nablus

A group of Jewish settlers attacked Palestinian farmers while they were harvesting olives in the village of Burin to the south of Nablus in the occupied West Bank.

Olive picking … A season exposing Israeli crimes

The Israeli military and Jewish settlers continue to harass Palestinian farmers in the West Bank … destroying hundreds of trees stealing crops and preventing farmers from accessing their lands.

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