Sun 7-July-2024


PFLP deplores US decision to close PLO office in Washington

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has strongly denounced the US administration’s decision to close the office of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in Washington describing such step as “a reflection of its hostile attitude to the Palestinian cause.”

US threatens to close PLO office in Washington

The US administration on Saturday threatened to close down the Washington office of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) unless it enters into "serious peace talks with Israel" Associated Press agency reported.

Barghouthi: Restructuring PLO holding elections key priorities

Head of the Palestinian National Initiative (PNI) Mustafa al-Barghouthi called for restructuring the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and democratizing national politics in the face of the Israeli occupation.

Abbas: PLO our sole representative talks with Israel on the cards

Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas said on Saturday that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is Palestinians’ only legitimate representative and that he still holds on to peace talks with Israel.

Abu Marzouk calls for separation between PLO and PA

Member of the Hamas Political Bureau Mousa Abu Marzouk on Saturday called for appointing two different presidents for the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Palestinian Authority (PA) adding that Hamas does not mind if both of them are Fatah members.

Hamas condemns PLO calls for holding female normalization march

Hamas Movement strongly condemned a call made by a committee of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) urging Palestinian women to participate in a normalization march with Israeli counterparts southeast of Jericho next week.

Israeli plan to close PLO office in Washington

The Hebrew channel Kan said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has initiated a plan with the U.S. President Donald Trump along with other members in the Congress to pressure Palestinians in order to halt their unilateral steps at the international arena.

PLO pushes for ICC probe into Israeli “war crimes”

The Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) on Sunday asked the International Criminal Court (ICC) to start investigating Israel’s settlement activities in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem Wafa News Agency reported.

PLO: Israel tries to cover up crimes by calling for dissolving UNRWA

The Executive Committee of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) said the Israeli calls for dismantling the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) is an attempt to cover up the Israeli crime of displacing Palestinians and expelling them out of their land and destroying and looting their properties during the Nakba in 1948.

Gaza: Factions call for reforming the PLO

Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip have called for necessarily reforming the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and achieve a real national reconciliation.