Mon 16-September-2024


Hamas refuses to recognize recommendations of PNC meeting

Hamas on Friday said that it is making every possible effort along with other Palestinian factions to convene a real Palestinian National Council (PNC) that is based on national partnership to protect the Palestinian cause against external conspiracies.

PNC calls for suspending recognition of Israel

The Palestinian National Council (PNC) at the end of its 23rd session on Thursday confirmed its rejection of the US president Donald Trump's "illegal" decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

DFLP rejects Abbas’s vision on Palestinian-Israeli conflict

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) on Tuesday announced its rejection of the Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas's vision to solve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict which he reintroduced during the Palestinian National Council (PNC) meeting in Ramallah.

Haneyya: Abbas wants to gain fake legitimacy through PNC meeting

Head of the Hamas Political Bureau Ismail Haneyya said during a speech he delivered on Monday that achieving Palestinian unity is the only way to foil the conspiracies aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause.

Badran: Holding PNC session without consent hits national unity

Head of Hamas’s National Relations Office Husam Badran said that the Palestinian National Council (PNC) session slated to be held on Monday is a strong slam to Palestinian internal unity.

Democratic Front to participate in National Council session

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) Sunday announced its intent to participate in the 23rd session of the Palestinian National Council slated to be held on Monday.

Palestinian forces in Lebanon call for delaying PNC meeting

Palestinian forces coalition in Lebanon on Saturday called for postponing the Palestinian National Council (PNC) meeting scheduled for Monday in Ramallah.

Hamas: PNC meeting serves Israel and deal of century

Hamas movement on Sunday said that Israel and the deal of the century will be the first beneficiaries of the upcoming Palestinian National Council (PNC) meeting in Ramallah.

48 organizations say calls for PNC session illegitimate monolithic

48 Europe-based organizations dubbed the projected Palestinian National Council (PNC) session slated to be held on April 30 “illegitimate”.

Resheq slams Abbas for insisting on holding PNC without consent

Izzat al-Resheq member of Hamas’s Political Bureau said that Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas’s insistence on holding the Palestinian National Council (PNC) regardless of the popular and factions refusal is unjustified and excludes a large percentage of the Palestinian people.