Mon 16-September-2024


Change and Reform MPs in W. Bank to boycott PNC session

The Hamas “Change and Reform Bloc” lawmakers in the West Bank have declared their refusal to participate in the session of the Palestinian National Council (PNC) to be convened by the Fatah-controlled Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) on April 30 in Ramallah.

Abu Marzouk: Abbas the main obstacle hindering reconciliation

Moussa Abu Marzouk Hamas political bureau member confirmed that achieving national reconciliation and holding the Palestinian National Council with the participation of all parties is possible.

Conference calls on Palestinian factions to boycott PNC meeting

General Secretariat of the Popular Conference of Palestinians Abroad on Friday called on Palestinian factions to boycott the upcoming meeting of the Palestinian National Council (PNC).

PNC demands referring prisoners file to ICC

Palestinian National Council (PNC) demanded referring the file of Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails to the International Criminal Court (ICC) as the top prioritized fundamental Palestinian issue.

Resheq slams PLO for holding PNC without Hamas Islamic Jihad

Member of Hamas’s Political Bureau Ezzat al-Resheq said that calling on the Palestinian National Council (PNC) to convene without inviting Hamas and Islamic Jihad Movements strikes the efforts of the Palestinian reconciliation and strengthens the division.

Hamas: PNC should make serious steps to thwart Israel-U.S. agendas

In light of Trump’s provocative decision on Jerusalem the Palestinian reaction has to be as strong as the crime committed against Jerusalem and the Palestinian cause Hamas said on Sunday explaining the reasons for its decision to boycott the meetings of the Palestinian National Council (PNC).

Hamas explains reasons for not participating in PNC meeting

Hamas movement on Saturday revealed why it refused to participate in the Palestinian National Council (PNC) meeting to be held in Ramallah.

Zanoun: New PNC session to be held 14th January

Chairman of the Palestinian National Council (PNC) Salim Zanoun on Sunday announced that the PNC will hold its 28th session on 14th and 15th January in Ramallah under the title "Jerusalem: the eternal capital of the state of Palestine".

PNC: Any US step over Jerusalem will be “void and illegal”

The Palestinian National Council (PNC) said that any steps taken by the US administration to recognize Occupied Jerusalem as an Israeli capital or to relocate its embassy to it would be “void and illegal measures” and treated as a “wanton attack on the Palestinian people’s rights.”