Thu 17-October-2024


The Palestinian Nakba or Catastrophe

Between 750000 and one million Palestinians were forced out of their homes in the years leading up to 1948 fleeing the unrest caused by Zionist militias that had come to Mandate Palestine to set up a Jewish state.

PRC: Balfour apology petition garners over 11000 signatures

A petition urging the British government to apologize for the tragic fallouts of the Balfour Declaration received over 11000 signatures the Palestinian Return Center (PRC) reported.

Jenin: Project launched to model pre-1948 villages

A Palestinian model village project was inaugurated Monday at al-Quds Open University in the West Bank city of Jenin as part of the Hadara (civilization) initiative. The model embodies the type and structure of Palestinian villages before 1948.

Land Day: Memory and Geography

Land Day is a Palestinian national occasion during which the Palestinian people celebrate this anniversary in historical Palestine (27009 sq. km) and in the diaspora.

Qelet Valley. . . Palestine’s Breathtaking Natural Masterpiece

Splendid grottoes and valleys running from Fara spring near the hills of Anata and al-Ram northeast of Occupied Jerusalem meet together to form the historic Qelet Valley itself made up of two gigantic rocky walls standing so tall that they oversee occupied Palestine.

Amman Summit refuses to recognize Israel as Jewish state

The Arab foreign ministers affirmed on Tuesday ahead of Amman Summit which will be held on Wednesday that the Arab countries adhere to the peace initiative launched in Beirut Summit in 2002 and confirmed their refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

International Relations Council mourns Martin McGuinness

The International Relations Council - Palestine voiced sorrow at the loss of key figure in the Northern Ireland peace process Martin McGuinness who has been a long-time 'friend of Palestine.'

Moroccan Commission slams normalizing relations with Israel

The Moroccan Commission for Advocating the Nation’s Causes has reiterated its rejection of all forms of relations between its country and Israel applauding the active popular interaction with its anti-normalization campaign.

Palestinian flora and fauna severely damaged by Israel sewage disposal

A trip was staged on Monday by the Haris Secondary School in northern Salfit so as to keep tabs on the damage wrought by Israel’s sewage disposal pouring into Palestinian springs and valleys.

Israel bans entry of Chair of Palestine Solidarity Campaign

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) banned the chairman of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) from entering Israel days after the Knesset passed a law to bar supporters of the boycott campaign.