Sun 7-July-2024

Palestinian Authority

Batesh: Islamic Jihad might not participate in Cairo meeting

Member of the political bureau of the Islamic Jihad Movement Khaled al-Batesh has said that his Movement is studying the possibility of not participating in the meeting of the Palestinian factions Secretaries General set to be held at the end of the current month in the Egyptian capital Cairo.

Bahar condemns PA arrest campaigns in West Bank

The acting speaker of the Palestinian legislative council Ahmed Bahar has condemned Palestinian Authority security services for escalating their arrest campaigns in the West Bank.

Hamas: PA forces attack on prisoner Shtayyeh’s home “barbaric”

The Hamas Movement has condemned the Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces for storming the house of political prisoner Musaab Shtayyeh in the West Bank city of Nablus.

Hamas condemns escalating PA arrest campaign in West Bank

The Hamas Movement has condemned the arrest campaign launched by the Palestinian Authority security services in the West Bank city of Nablus labeling it as “unacceptable”.

Hamas condemns PA’s participation in security meeting with Israel

The Hamas Movement has strongly condemned the Palestinian Authority’s participation in the security meeting held in the Jordanian city of Aqaba in the presence of representatives for the Israeli government.

Palestinian prisoner in PA jail his mother on hunger strike

Palestinian prisoner Mohammad Daraghameh from Tubas in the West Bank on Sunday started his open-ended hunger strike to demand his release from the Palestinian Authority prisons.

5 Palestinian prisoners continue their hunger strike in PA jail

Five Palestinian prisoners continued their open-ended hunger strike for the third day in a row in a Palestinian Authority prison on Tuesday according to the head of Lawyers for Justice group Muhannad Karajah.

PA condemns Israeli brutal quelling of Palestinian protests

The Palestinian Authority's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday condemned the Israeli “brutal quelling” of Palestinian peaceful protests and repeated violations committed against Palestinian civilians.

Hamas calls on PA to renounce Oslo accords

The Hamas Movement has urged the Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership to halt its security cooperation with the Israeli occupation state and renounce the Oslo accords.

Resheq: Bennett’s remarks “slap to those chasing peace mirage”

Member of Hamas’s political bureau Ezzat al-Resheq has described Israeli premier Naftali Bennett’s recent remarks about a Palestinian state as “a slap in the face of those chasing the mirage of the frivolous peace talks.