Fri 5-July-2024

Palestinian elections

Haneyya: Decision to postpone elections “unfortunate”

Head of Hamas’s political bureau has described Palestinian Authority (PA) chief Mahmoud Abbas’s decision to postpone the Palestinian elections as “unfortunate.”

Hamas: No elections without Jerusalem

The Hamas Movement has voiced its rejection of any compromise on the right of Jerusalemites to fully participate in the upcoming Palestinian elections stressing that there are no elections without Jerusalem.

Israeli court jails Hamas official Adnan Asfour administratively

An Israeli military court on Tuesday decided to administratively detain senior Hamas official Adnan Asfour a few days after he was kidnaped from his home in Nablus

IOF raids homes of MPs warns them not to run in elections

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Tuesday stormed the homes of two Palestinian lawmakers and one ex-detainee in al-Khalil and warned them against participating in any activity related to the coming Palestinian elections.

Badran: Hamas will not allow any tampering with elections

Member of Hamas’s political bureau Husam Badran has affirmed the holding of the Palestinian elections will be based on the outcome of the meeting that was attended last year by secretaries general of factions in Lebanon and the 2006 national accord document.

Sheikh Barghouthi: Israel’s arrests will not intimidate us

Senior Hamas official Sheikh Omar al-Barghouthi has affirmed that the recent Israeli arrest campaign against Palestinian national figures in the West Bank will not deter anyone from participating in the coming elections.

Sinwar warns Israel of interfering in Palestinian elections

Hamas chief in Gaza Yahya as-Sinwar has warned the Israeli occupation leadership of interfering in or attempting to disrupt the Palestinian elections.

Shin Bet warns Sheikh Barghouthi of running in elections

Israel's internal security service Shin Bet on Sunday summoned Sheikh Omar al-Barghouthi a senior Hamas official in Ramallah for interrogation and threatened to arrest him if he tried to stand for any upcoming elections to be held in the Palestinian arena.

Haneyya Mladenov discuss Palestinian election file

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya on Friday discussed with UN Middle East envoy Nikolay Mladenov the upcoming Palestinian elections and the current efforts to hold them.

Israeli gov’t ignores PA request for elections in J’lem

The Israeli occupation government has decided to ignore and not respond to a letter sent by the Palestinian Authority (PA) on Saturday asking to allow the Palestinian residents of eastern Jerusalem to participate in the Palestinian elections.