Fri 20-September-2024

Palestinian intifada

Barghouthi calls for all-out intifada to protect holy sites

Senior Hamas official Jasser al-Barghouthi has affirmed that an all-out intifada (uprising) against the Israeli occupation forces everywhere in the West Bank and Jerusalem is the only way to protect the Palestinian constants and the holy sites.

Hamas: W. Bank youth determined to continue fighting the occupation

The Hamas Movement has affirmed that “the revolutionary youth in the West Bank and Jerusalem will not retreat from their decision to continue fighting the Israeli occupation until its removal from the Palestinian land.”

Sheikh Sabri: Jerusalem people ready to repel any new Israeli attack

Sheikh Ekrima Sabri head of the Higher Islamic Council in Occupied Jerusalem has said that the fourth anniversary of “the Bab al-Asbat uprising” or “the electronic gates battle” represents a clear message to the Israeli occupation state that Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque belong exclusively to the Muslim nation.

Haneyya: No calm if Israel persists in its aggression in J’lem

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya has warned that there will be no calm if the Israeli occupation state continues its aggressive practices in Occupied Jerusalem affirming that the Palestinian uprising will continue.

Resheq: All options are open to our people to confront annexation

Member of Hamas’s political bureau Ezzat al-Resheq that all options are open to the Palestinian people to confront and respond to the Israeli annexation plan which he described as “a fateful battle in the Palestinian conflict with the Israeli occupation.”

Hamas: Israel’s annexation plan will trigger a Palestinian uprising

The Hamas Movement has warned that the Israeli occupation’s intents to annex large parts of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley and its plots against the Aqsa Mosque would trigger a massive popular uprising against it.