Thu 19-September-2024

Palestinian workmen

Hamas hails Palestinian workers for their role in achieving the aspirations of the Palestinian people

Marking the International Workers’ Day, the Hamas Movement hailed Palestinian workers for their struggle and role in the national project of resistance and liberation.

6 Palestinian workers injured in IOF chase

Six Palestinian workers were injured on Saturday after Israeli occupation forces (IOF) chased their vehicle in Masafar Yatta in al-Khalil.

Palestinian worker shot injured by IOF gunfire

A Palestinian worker was shot and injured by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stationed near the apartheid wall erected over the lands of Anin village west of Jenin while trying to reach his workplace within the Green Line on Wednesday morning.

Palestinian workman beaten to death by Israeli forces and settlers

A Palestinian young worker from the Gaza Strip was killed on Tuesday by Israeli soldiers and settlers in the West Bank as he was en route to his workplace in 1948 occupied Palestine (Israel).

IOF arrests 4 Palestinian workers in Bethlehem

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested on Thursday four Palestinian workers including three siblings while they were heading to their work in Jerusalem.

IOF arrests 50 Palestinian workers in Salfit

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested late Wednesday 50 Palestinian workers after breaking into Salfit villages. All the detainees were taken to Ariel illegal settlement.

IOF soldiers chase Palestinian workers

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) chased Palestinian workers near the Separation Wall to the west of Jenin on Saturday morning.

IOF injures worker arrests 40 others

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) fired at Palestinian workers from the West Bank while trying to cross into the Green Line to reach their workplaces on Wednesday.

PPS: Palestinian workers subjected to brutal attacks during arrest

The Palestinian Prisoner Society (PPS) said that the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) launch a campaign of persecution and arrest against Palestinian workers and impose heavy fines on them.

International Workers’ Day in Palestine

The occasion of the Labor Day or International Workers’ Day is renewed annually to reflect the reality of workers in the world in general.

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