Fri 20-September-2024

Palestinian workmen

Israeli police detain 80 workers

Israeli policemen rounded up 80 Palestinian workers on Sunday for entering 1948 Occupied Palestine without permits a statement said.

Young man wounded by Israeli gunfire in Tulkarem

A Palestinian young man on Sunday morning Sunday morning suffered a bullet injury when Israeli soldiers opened fire at him at the gate of the separation wall in the west of Nazlat Isa town north of Tulkarem.

Palestinian workman injured by IOF gunfire near Jenin

A Palestinian young man was injured on Tuesday morning after Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened fire at him south of Jenin City in the northern West Bank.

Palestinian worker injured by Israeli gunfire in Jenin

A Palestinian workman on Wednesday morning suffered bullet injuries when Israeli soldiers opened fire at him as he was trying to cross into Israel through the separation fence’s gate in Dhaher al-Abed village near Ya’bad town in Jenin.

IOF shoots arrests Palestinian worker near Tulkarem

A Palestinian young man was injured on Wednesday after Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened fire at him near a separation wall gate in Zeita town north of Tulkarem City.

Jenin: Two workmen shot at during attempt to enter Israel

Two Palestinian workmen suffered bullet injuries on Thursday morning when Israeli soldiers opened fire at them near the military gate in Barta'a village west of Jenin in the West Bank.

Another Palestinian worker injured by Israeli gunfire in Jenin

A Palestinian workman suffered a bullet injury on Wednesday morning when Israeli soldiers opened fire at him near the separation fence’s gate in Dhaher al 'Abed village near Ya’bad town in Jenin.

IOF shoots injures Palestinian worker in Tulkarem

A Palestinian young man was injured on Monday morning after being shot by Israeli occupation forces (IOF) north of Tulkarem City.

Israeli police detain dozens of W. Bank workmen

The Israeli police on Sunday morning detained dozens of West Bank workmen during a widespread campaign in the 1948 occupied lands at the pretext they had no work permits.

Israeli forces arrest 102 Palestinian workers

The Israeli occupation forces on Sunday morning detained 102 Palestinian workers who allegedly were not holding permits to work in the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories.