Thu 4-July-2024


SA surgeons bring sunshine back to Palestinian teen’s life

“I want to be able to go outside. I am not allowed to stay in the sun too much. And I want to be able to run with my friends.”

Palestinian burning kites spark fire in Israeli border area

Palestinian burning kites flown from Gaza on Sunday landed in Israeli border fields and caused fire in four locations east of Jabalya east of Beit Hanoun barrier near Abu Safia military site and in Kisufim military site east of Khan Younis.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Italy

Many Italian cities witnessed on Saturday demonstrations in solidarity with the Palestinian people and in protest at Israeli occupation crimes against Palestinians.

PFB hosts Arab gathering

The Palestinian Forum in Britain (PFB) hosted a large gathering of different Arab communities at its headquarters in London.

Palestinian energy scientist Fadi al-Batsh

Fadi Mohammed al-Batsh 35 years old was born in Jabaliya in the northern Gaza Strip. He was killed in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia at the hands of unknown gunmen at dawn Saturday 21/4/2018 and is survived by his wife and three children.

Palestinian flag hoisted over highest mount in Tanzania

Sixteen Palestinian youths have managed to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania which height is estimated at 5895 meters and hoist the Palestinian flag on Ahura summit after a five- day journey.

Rim Al-Banna resisted two invasions occupation and cancer

As death loomed Rim Al-Banna was looking at a time to resist battling with air to get a splash to make her feel resisting since her two enemies are wild and do not know mercy one is invading her body (cancer) and the other is invading her land (the Israeli occupation).

Thousands take part in 6th annual Palestine Marathon in Bethlehem

Some 7000 people of 72 countries took part in the “Run for Freedom” Palestine Marathon 45 and 21 kilometer races on Friday morning which sets off from Manger Square before the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem.

From Syria Palestinian Syrian activists tweet for Occupied Jerusalem

A large number of Palestinian and Syrian activists living in Syria participated in a twitter campaign in support for Occupied Jerusalem on the 100th day of the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Al-Haq organization asks government to reconsider forced retirement

Al-Haq human rights organization on Saturday asked the Palestinian consensus government to form an independent committee to review the files of all civil workers who were affected by the forced early retirement decision and to hear from them.