Thu 4-July-2024


Day for the Disabled organized in Nablus

The Palestinian Union for People with Disabilities organized an event in Nablus on Saturday to mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities that witnessed the participation of dozens of disabled people.

Palestinian youth injured by Israeli bullet fire in Bethlehem

A Palestinian boy was shot and injured by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) early Thursday morning at an eastern Bethlehem checkpoint in the southern West Bank.

IOF rolls into Qalqilya ravages civilian homes

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) at dawn Wednesday stormed the West Bank province of Qalqilya and wreaked havoc on civilian homes.

Palestinian heritage on display

A Palestinian artist in Nablus organized an exhibition for her Palestinian traditional works of art earlier this month November 2016 at the Najah University Campus.

4 Palestinian children sentenced to house confinement

The Israeli occupation police released late Thursday evening four Palestinian children from Occupied Jerusalem on condition of house confinement.

Lebanon’s Siniora Hariri slam isolation wall around Palestinian camp

Former Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora and MP Bahiya al-Hariri expressed their dissatisfaction with an isolation fence being erected around the Palestinian refugee camp of Ein al-Hilweh near Sidon.

Funeral of slain youth attended by 15 close relatives only

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) at dawn Thursday allowed only 15 family members to attend the funeral of the slain Palestinian youth Naseeb Umran Abu Meizar in Occupied Jerusalem.

Palestinian worker rushed to hospital after being shot by Israeli army

A Palestinian worker was shot and injured by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Monday near Wadi Abu al-Hums in eastern Bethlehem province.

Groom-to-be Fakhouri released from Israeli detention center

The Israeli Jerusalem police on Saturday evening released the Palestinian groom-to-be Abdul Fattah al-Fakhouri after they arrested him just hours before his wedding ceremony.

E-campaign kicks off to stand up for Palestinian children’s rights

Turkey-based Fide Association for Palestine Children is about to launch an e-campaign under the slogan “The Right to Childhood” on the occasion of the Universal Children’s Day in an attempt to expose Israeli crimes against Palestinian minors.