Fri 20-September-2024

Police violations

Dozens of settlers police forces defile Aqsa Mosque

Scores of Jewish settlers escorted by police forces entered the Aqsa Mosque on Sunday morning and desecrated its courtyards.

Jewish settlers police forces defile Aqsa Mosque

Scores of Jewish settlers escorted by police forces on Thursday morning entered the Aqsa Mosque and desecrated its courtyards.

Israeli police quell sit-in detain three women in J’lem

The Israeli occupation police on Tuesday evening physically assaulted a number of Palestinian women and arrested three of them during their participation in a peaceful sit-in staged in Jerusalem in protest at the murder of a local young man with autism.

Dozens protest murder of Eyad al-Hallaq in Jerusalem

Dozens of workers in Palestinian institutions for people with special needs on Monday staged a protest in the Old City of Jerusalem calling for justice for Eyad al-Hallaq a young man with autism who was murdered by Israeli police last week.

Hordes of Jewish settlers escorted by police defile Aqsa Mosque

Dozens of Jewish settlers on Tuesday morning broke into the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem and desecrated its courtyards under police protection.

Four Jerusalemites including child kidnaped by Israeli police

The Israeli occupation police on Sunday kidnaped four Jerusalemite citizens including a child in east Jerusalem.

Israeli police slap new entry ban on Aqsa teacher Hanadi al-Halawani

The Israeli occupation police on Sunday issued an order banning Aqsa teacher and activist Hanadi al-Halawani from entering the Aqsa Mosque for six months.

Israeli police continue to allow settlers to defile Aqsa Mosque

Dozens of Jewish settlers on Thursday morning broke into the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem and desecrated its courtyards under tight police protection.

Dozens of settlers defile Aqsa Mosque’s Bab al-Rahma area

Dozens of Jewish settlers on Sunday desecrated the courtyard of the Bab al-Rahma prayer building at the Aqsa Mosque and performed rituals.

Israeli officers freed from jail after killing disabled Palestinian

Israeli authorities on Sunday released two police officers from jail one day after they killed a Palestinian young man with special needs in the Old City of Jerusalem.

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