Sun 15-September-2024

Political arrests

Father Hanna asks PA to stop its political persecution of citizens

Father Atallah Hanna Archbishop of the Palestinian Orthodox Church in Occupied Jerusalem has called on the Palestinian Authority (PA) to necessarily end its politically motivated persecution and detention of Palestinian national and intellectual figures.

Islamic Jihad calls for ending political arrests in West Bank

Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine rejected the political arrests of its cadres by the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and organized on Tuesday a rally in Gaza in protest against such practices.

PA security carries out new political arrests in W. Bank

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security apparatuses arrested during the last few days seven citizens including four university students and summoned seven others for interrogation because of their political affiliation.

MP Qar’awi slams PA political arrests despite reconciliation efforts

Palestinian lawmaker Fathi Qar’awi has denounced the escalating political arrests taking place in the West Bank despite the renewed efforts to hold reconciliation meetings between the Palestinian rivals.

University student in PA jail for 14 days with no guilt

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security apparatuses in the West Bank have been arbitrarily detaining 22-year-old Hammam Fattash a university student from Salfit city for about 14 days and refused to release him.

Four citizens kidnapped journalist summonsed by PA security

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security apparatuses persisted in their politically motivated arrests kidnapping during the last two days four citizens including university students and summoning a journalist for interrogation.

PA security carries out new political arrests in W. Bank

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security apparatuses on Tuesday arrested four citizens in different West Bank areas because of their political affiliations including three university students from the Islamic Bloc.

PA arrests three citizens in al-Khalil for political reasons

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces recently arrested three Palestinian citizens in al-Khalil for politically motivated reasons while refusing to release many others including university students who are being detained arbitrarily in West Bank jails.

Two school teachers in PA jails for days

The Palestinian Authority (PA) preventive security apparatus has continued to detain two school teachers and summoned another for interrogation.

Protest sit-in in Gaza against PA political arrests

Hamas’s student wing the Islamic bloc organized Saturday afternoon a protest sit-in in Gaza City against PA arrest campaigns against dozens of West Bank university students.