Fri 20-September-2024

Political arrests

PA security kidnaps ex-detainee from his home in al-Khalil

Officers from the Palestinian Authority (PA) preventive security apparatus on Tuesday night kidnapped 25-year-old Qassam Halayka a Hamas-affiliated ex-detainee from his home in Ash-Shuyukh town northeast of al-Khalil.

Three Palestinian youths held by PA forces for political reasons

PA security forces continued their political arrest campaigns targeting Palestinian university students and ex-prisoners in occupied West Bank without any legal basis.

PFLP: Political arrests harm efforts to cement the national unity

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has called on the Palestinian Authority (PA) to curb the frenzied political arrest campaign that is carried out by its security apparatuses against human rights and social media activists in the West Bank.

Families of political prisoners call on PA to release their children

The committee of political detainees in the West Bank called for releasing all of the political prisoners in light of the Palestinian reconciliation efforts and its anticipated talks in Cairo.

Family of captive Mafarjeh affirm being tortured at PA jails

The family of Usama Mafarjeh who has been held captive at the Palestinian Authority (PA) intelligence apparatus in Ramallah for 6 days affirmed that their son is being subjected to torture and ill-treatment.

Political prisoner subjected to torture at PA jails

Head of Student Council at Birzeit University Omar al-Kiswani affirmed that his colleague Usama Mafarjeh who is held captive at the jails of the Palestinian Authority (PA) intelligence apparatus in Ramallah for 5 days is being subjected to torture and ill-treatment.

Islamic Bloc demands PA security to release Mafarjeh

The Islamic Bloc (Hamas-affiliated student group) at Birzeit University has called on the Palestinian Authority (PA) security apparatuses to immediately release its coordinator Osama Mafarjeh and stop the persecution of students because of their political affiliations.

Families of political prisoners demand release of their sons

The committee of families of political prisoners in the West Bank demanded the Palestinian Authority (PA) to immediately release all of their imprisoned sons and to halt the policy of political arrest and summonses as well as the violation of freedoms as a gesture of goodwill to the Palestinian reconciliation.

Hamas: Four hunger strikers protest illegal detention in PA jails

The Hamas Movement has said that there are several Palestinian citizens being held illegally by the Palestinian Authority (PA) security apparatuses in the West Bank and four of them have gone on hunger strike to protest their detention with no guilt.

PA intelligence accused of torturing prisoner Assad Tawil

The family of political detainee Asaad at-Tawil has accused the Palestinian Authority (PA) intelligence service of torturing its son in Jericho jail.

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