Fri 20-September-2024

Political arrests

Jenin: News conference against illegal detention of citizens

A news conference will be held on Saturday by the freedoms committee in the West Bank outside the headquarters of the Palestinian Authority (PA) preventive security agency in Jenin city to protest the illegal detention of citizens at the behest of mayors.

PA persists in carrying out arbitrary arrests in W. Bank

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces kidnapped during recent days three Palestinian citizens including a university student and an ex-detainee in the context of its security collaboration with the Israeli occupation state.

Human rights organizations slam PA for arresting journalists

Human rights organizations slammed on Tuesday the Palestinian Authority (PA) preventive security forces for arresting journalist Ayman al-Qawasmi head of the administrative council of a local radio in al-Khalil city and Issa Amer head of the Youths against Settlement group in the governorate.

Calls for protests against PA arbitrary arrest of 7 journalists

Families of the seven journalists who are currently held in PA prisons called for mass participation in a sit-in to be organized on Saturday in Ramallah in protest against their sons’ arbitrary detention.

Shadid calls on PA to release political captives in the West Bank

The Hamas leader Abdurrahman Shadid called on the Palestinian Authority (PA) to immediately release the Palestinian political captives who are held in the jails of the PA security forces.

PA court refuses to release two detainees after slamming Fatah leader

The Palestinian Authority (PA) magistrate court in Ramallah refused on Wednesday to release on bail each of activist Nassar Jaradat and journalist Thaher al-Shamali who are both arrested at the PA preventive security apparatus.

Three political prisoners on hunger strike in PA jails

Three political detainees in Palestinian Authority (PA) jails including a doctor have been on hunger strike for three days their families announced on Saturday.

PA forces arrest three men including two ex-detainees

Palestinian Authority (PA) preventive security apparatus arrested three men including two ex-detainees in Israeli jails and a political ex-prisoner in the PA jails.

PA security arrests citizens for carrying Hamas flags

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces on Tuesday afternoon stormed homes and arrested six citizens east of Qalqilya city on a charge of carrying green Hamas flags during a recent reception held for a released prisoner.

PA court extends detention of student for several days

A Palestinian Authority (PA) court in Ariha (Jericho) on Thursday extended the detention of a university student from Dura town in al-Khalil because of his political affiliation.