Thu 19-September-2024

Political arrests

PA security persists in political arrests jails more citizens

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security arrested during the last two days six Palestinian citizens as part of its politically motivated arrest campaign in the West Bank and summoned a journalist for interrogation.

PA security quells peaceful protest against political arrests

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces on Saturday violently subdued a peaceful sit-in staged in al-Khalil city in protest at the political detention of citizens and arrested several protestors.

PA forces extend detention of student Fattash

Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces continued the remand of Hammam Fattash a university student from Salfit for 67 consecutive days in Junaid prison in Nablus city.

Zaidan calls on PA to end political detention of citizens

Palestinian lawmaker Abdul-Rahman Zaidan has called on Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas and premier Rami al-Hamdallah to necessarily intervene to have all political detainees released from West Bank jails.

Palestinian father appeals for releasing his son from PA jail

Sheikh Ezziddin Amarneh appealed to human rights institutions and concerned authorities to intervene for the release of his son Ahmad who is detained for political reasons in a Palestinian Authority (PA) jail in Tulkarem.

Report: 11 citizens kidnapped during current week by PA security

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces kidnapped 11 Palestinian citizens during the current week in the context of its security collaboration with the Israeli occupation.

PA security arrests ex-detainee in Nablus

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces on Tuesday evening kidnapped a young ex-detainee from Hamas after summoning him for interrogation in Nablus city north of the West Bank.

PA security arrests Islamic Bloc students outside Kadoorie University

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces on Monday arrested students at the main gate of Kadoorie University in Tulkarem and threatened to storm the campus to arrest others.

PA continues detention of journalist Sami Sa’iee

The family of the detained Palestinian journalist Sami al-Sa’iee revealed that the Palestinian Authority (PA) refused to release their son in absolute disregard to the court’s release order that was issued on bail last Wednesday.

PA security arrests university student summons two others

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces arrested one university student and summoned two other young men for interrogation because of their political affiliation.