Sun 15-September-2024

Political detainees

PA forces arrest four brothers in Nablus

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces arrested four brothers including two ex-prisoners during a raid campaign in Nablus late Friday.

Palestinians in Ramallah call for releasing political prisoners

Palestinian citizens participated in a rally in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Sunday to demand the release of the political prisoners held in Palestinian Authority prisons in the West Bank.

MP Qar’awi calls for releasing his son Momen

Palestinian lawmaker Fathi Qar’awi has called for releasing his son Momen who has been held by the Palestinian Authority (PA) security apparatuses in Jericho jail for over 30 days.

Prisoner Amin Quqa enters day 7 of his hunger strike in PA jail

Palestinian prisoner Amin al-Quqa a member of the Hamas Movement entered on Wednesday day 7 of the hunger strike he staged in a Palestinian Authority (PA) jail.

Father of Musaab Shtayyeh calls on PA to release him

The father of political detainee Musaab Shtayyeh said that his son had faced difficult health and incarceration conditions during his presence in the Palestinian Authority (PA) security jail of Jericho before his transfer to another prison.

Family committee slams PA security for arresting eight ex-detainees

The family committee of the political detainees has strongly denounced the Palestinian Authority security apparatuses for kidnapping eight ex-detainees from Burqin town in Jenin.

PA security forces launch large-scale arrest summons campaign

The PA security forces have carried out a large-scale arrest and summons campaign overnight and on Tuesday morning targeting activists affiliated with the Hamas Movement.

PA security transfers prisoner Anas Hamdi to hospital

Political detainee Anas Hamdi was transferred for the second time within a few days from Jericho jail to a Palestinian hospital after a decline in his health condition as a result of his hunger strike.

Five political detainees in PA jails on hunger strike

Five political detainees in Palestinian Authority (PA) jails have been on hunger strike for different days in protest at their detention with no guilt.

Hamas calls for releasing political detainees in W. Bank

The Hamas Movement has urged Fatah and the Palestinian Authority (PA) in Ramallah to prepare the atmosphere for the coming Palestinian elections and halt all forms of persecution against its members in the West Bank.

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