Thu 19-September-2024

Political detainees

PA security arrests ex-detainee detains others illegally

As part of its security cooperation with the Israeli occupation state the Palestinian Authority (PA) intelligence apparatus has arrested an ex-detainee and persisted in detaining others illegally.

Suha Jabara still exposed to torture in Jericho jail

Palestinian prisoner Suha Jabara are still exposed to torture and abuse by interrogators from the Palestinian Authority (PA) security agencies in Jericho jail according to a family source.

PA security kidnaps citizen persists in detaining others illegally

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces have kidnapped one Palestinian citizen and summoned another while continuing to detain others illegally.

Relatives of detainees barred from rallying outside Abbas’s palace

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces on Wednesday afternoon prevented Palestinian citizens from holding a peaceful sit-in outside the presidential headquarters in Ramallah city to demand the release of political detainees from West Bank jails.

Prisoner in PA jails moved to hospital due to torture

Prisoner Usama Shahin who was abducted by Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces and has been held captive in the jails of the PA preventive apparatus for 4 days has been transferred Princess Alia Governmental Hospital in al-Khalil due to torture.

PA security kidnaps citizen summons another in W. Bank

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces on Sunday kidnapped a Palestinian citizen and summoned another for interrogation while continuing to detain others illegally.

Prisoner Maisara Efana in PA jails for 143 days illegally

The Palestinian Authority (PA) preventive security agency in Qalqilya has refused to release political prisoner Maisara Efana who has been in detention illegally for 143 days.

AOHR holds PA responsible for illegal detention of seven prisoners

The UK-based Arab Organization for Human Rights (AOHR) has held Palestinian Authority (PA) Mahmoud Abbas and premier Rami al-Hamdallah fully responsible for the illegal detention of seven political prisoners although they received release orders from a local appeal court.

Political prisoners declare hunger strike in PA jails

Six political prisoners from Qalqilia declared an open hunger strike in protest against their political detention without charge or trial.

Youths close Nablus-Tubas road to demand PA to release citizens

Angry Palestinian young men on Wednesday blocked the Nablus-Tubas road which passes through al-Fari’ah refugee camp northeast of Nablus in the occupied West Bank.