Mon 16-September-2024


Administrative detention against Palestinian young man from Qalansuwa

Israeli war minister Benny Gantz signed on Sunday an administrative detention order against the Palestinian young man Omar Odeh from the city of Qalansuwa in 1948 Occupied Palestine.

Palestinian forced to raze his own house in Qalansuwa

The Israeli authorities on Wednesday evening forced a Palestinian citizen to demolish his own house in Qalansuwa City in the central district of Israel (1948 occupied Palestine) at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Popular rally in Qalansuwa city to prevent home demolitions

The High Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel the municipality of Qalansuwa city and the popular committees in the area have called for a massive popular rally around the clock outside the three homes threatened with demolition.

2 Palestinians arrested in protests against home demolition

The Palestinian citizens of Qalansuwa in the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories on Sunday closed the main entrance to their city in protest at the stepped up home demolition policy pursued against them by Israel.

Dozens of Palestinians rally in Qalansuwa against demolition policy

Dozens of Palestinians from Qalansuwa city and nearby Arab town in the 1948 occupied lands rallied on Saturday evening at the main entrance to the city in protest at the Israeli demolition policy against Palestinian homes in their areas.

Renewed protests in Qalansuwa against house demolition

Dozens of Palestinians on Monday demonstrated in Qalansuwa in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1948 in protest at the Israeli house demolition campaign targeting the city.

Palestinians take to Kalansuwa streets over Israeli demolitions

Hundreds of Palestinians on Tuesday evening took to the streets protesting Israel's house demolition policy in Kalansuwa city in Palestinian territories occupied since 1948.

Car parade over Israel’s swelling terrorism against Palestinians

A car parade is expected to kick off Monday in 1948 Occupied Palestine in response to Israel’s simmering terrorism in the unrecognized Umm al-Hiran village in the Negev.

Israel’s Arabs stage general strike after Qalansuwa home demolitions

The High Follow-up Committee for Arab Citizens in Israel has called for an all-out general strike on Wednesday January 11 in all sectors in protest at “the criminal destruction of 11 Palestinian homes in Qalansuwa city.”