Sun 7-July-2024

Racist legislation

Knesset to enact law restricting Palestinian access to high court

A bill that would limit Palestinian access to the high court of justice passed its first reading in the Knesset on Monday night.

Qareqea: Israel’s intent to seize our tax money “financial piracy”

The Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs has strongly denounced Israel’s intent to enact a new law confiscating Palestinian tax revenues to prevent the Palestinian Authority from using them to support families of prisoners martyrs and wounded citizens.

Knesset to discuss bill allowing detention of Palestinian bodies

The Israeli ministerial committee for legislation on Sunday gave the Knesset its approval to discuss a bill allowing the security authorities to detain bodies of Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire.

Knesset to discuss bill against filing cases on behalf of Palestinians

The Knesset ministerial legislation committee is to convene on Sunday to discuss the approval of a new Likud bill calling for preventing Israeli leftist organizations from filing legal complaints or petitions with the high court of justice on behalf of Palestinian citizens.

Knesset initially okays Jewish state law

The Knesset approved initially on Wednesday the so-called nationality law or the Jewish state law proposed by right-wing MK Avi Dichter from Likud party.

MK proposes economic punishment against families of attackers

A right-wing Knesset member intends to submit a “racist” bill calling for economically punishing families of Palestinian children and teenagers who are convicted of throwing stones and launching attacks against Israelis.