Wed 3-July-2024


58-year-old Palestinian killed in Israeli car-ramming attack

A 58-year-old Palestinian civilian was pronounced dead on Monday morning after he was hit by an Israeli car near Mudi’in settlement outpost in Ramallah.

2 minors kidnapped by Israeli army over anti-occupation shooting

Two Palestinian minors were kidnapped by the Israeli occupation army in a joint operation with the Shin Bet intelligence officers on suspicion of carrying out anti-occupation shootings near Ramallah.

IOF to seize over 274 dunums of Palestinian lands west of Ramallah

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) intend to seize over 274.5 dunums of Palestinian lands west of Ramallah due to alleged “urgent military purposes”.

Palestinian family bids son last farewell after Israel returns body

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) on Saturday evening handed over the body of 24-year-old slain youth Hussein Abu Ghush after withholding it for over 10 days.

12 Israeli army jeeps roll into Palestinian town of Shaqba at daybreak

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) at daybreak Friday rolled into Shaqba town near the central West Bank province of Ramallah and al-Bireh.

Israeli Special Forces arrest two Palestinians in Birzeit University

Israeli Special Forces arrested Thursday afternoon the coordinator of the Islamic Bloc the student wing of Hamas Movement in Birzeit University Tawfik Abu Urqoup along with Basel Felayyan secretary at the university’s student council.

PA forces serve summonses to two ex-detainees arrest others

Palestinian Authority’s (PA) intelligence apparatus summoned two Palestinian ex-prisoners from Qarawa Beni Hassan town in Salfit and Ellar town in Tulkarem to be questioned at its headquarters.

Hamas leader: Badres village prototype of anti-occupation resistance

Hamas leader in Jericho Sheikh Shaker Amara hailed the Palestinians of Ramallah’s western town of Badres for standing their ground to the Israeli demolition policy and settlement schemes.

IOF opens fire on car of Palestinian Health Ministry undersecretary

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Tuesday night have opened fire at the vehicle of the undersecretary of the Palestinian Ministry of Health on his way from his office in Ramallah to Bethlehem.

270 cameras installed by Israeli army along thoroughfare to Jerusalem

The Israeli occupation army set up hundreds of surveillance cameras along an access road to Occupied Jerusalem Israeli outlets reported Tuesday.