Mon 1-July-2024


Rantis: Palestinian town endowed with wealth plundered by Israel

Rantis town is located to the northwest of Ramallah and enjoys a wealth of natural resources which made it a prey for the Israeli occupation and its continuous plundering.

Casualties during IOF quelling of march in Ramallah village

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) quelled on Friday a peaceful Palestinian march in eastern Ramallah injuring one of the citizens with rubber bullets while others suffered breathing problems.

Several Palestinians kidnaped in W. Bank IOF campaigns

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) at dawn Thursday raided homes and kidnaped several Palestinian citizens during campaigns in different West Bank areas.

Pregnant woman medic injured during IOF raid on Palestine Hospital

A Palestinian pregnant woman and a paramedic were injured and others including doctors and patients suffered from inhaling tear gas at an early hour on Sunday when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked Palestine Medical Center in Ramallah city.

IOF settlers attack peaceful march in Ramallah village

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) and Jewish settlers attacked the people of al-Mughayir village who marched against settlement activity in the lands of their village to the northeast of Ramallah on Friday afternoon.

Injuries during clashes with IOF in Ramallah

Several Palestinian citizens suffered breathing problems during clashes that broke out with the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in al-Mughayir village northeast of Ramallah.

Child injured in confrontations with IOF east of Ramallah

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) quelled on Friday a march against settlement activities in the towns of Kafr Malik and al-Mughayyir northeast of Ramallah.

Palestinian child wounded in IOF shooting near Ramallah

A Palestinian child was hit with a rubber-coated metal bullet in his chest fired by Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in Silwad to the east of Ramallah on Saturday evening.

Settlers uproot trees destroy agricultural room in Ramallah village

Jewish settlers cut down trees and destroyed an agricultural room in Turmus’ayya village to the northeast of Ramallah on Friday.

Palestinian medic arrested during IOF quelling of Ramallah march

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) quelled on Friday a march condemning the establishment of a new settlement outpost in the Ras al-Tin area in Kafr Malik village east of Ramallah.