Fri 5-July-2024

Right of return

Haneyya: We will never abandon Palestine refugees’ right of return

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya met the Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri at the Parliament’s headquarters in Ain al-Tineh on Monday where they reviewed the latest Palestinian and Lebanese developments.

Manuel Musallam: Palestinian refugees should return to their land

Member of the Islamic-Christian Committee in Support of Jerusalem and its Sanctuaries Father Manuel Musallam on Friday hailed the sacrifices of the Palestinian people who have been defending the Palestinian holy sites lands and right of return.

British Palestinians renew their dedication to the right of return

The British Palestinians renewed their dedication to the right of return support for the Palestinian people and their adherence to their land the preservation of national identity and the affirmation of the Palestinian right to their homeland and its sanctities.

UK student conference to support Palestinian rights and RoR

Association of Student Activism for Palestine (ASAP) organised on Saturday October 17th an online student conference entitled "Justice for Palestine".

UK Sports Event Speaks Up for Palestinian Refugees’ Right of Return

A so-called “My Return Tournament” was staged by ''Olive'' a Palestinian organization Youth in the UK in partnership with “My Return” Campaign in a move aiming to speak up for the refugees’ inalienable right of return to Palestine.

Hamas: Attempts to obliterate the right of return will not succeed

Hamas Movement said that all attempts will not succeed in obliterating the right of return just as the Oslo Agreement did not succeed in that stressing that armed resistance is the only way to defeat the Israeli occupation thwart its plans and liberate Palestinian land.

The key the koshan and the olive tree

Not a single day has passed since the “Return Key” was not present in the daily life of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip the West Bank the 1948 territories and refugee camps in the diaspora.

Hamas: Right of return is protected by divine and int’l laws

“The Palestinian refugees’ right of return is one of the basic human rights that are enshrined in divine laws and international resolutions and thus cannot be revoked by the Israeli occupation and the US deal of the century” the Hamas Movement has said.

Nakba 71: Palestinian refugees are determined to return

After 71 years have passed since the Nakba which entailed the death and displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians the Palestinian refugees are attached to their lost lands more than ever.

Hamas DRA: Balfour pledge “null” right of return beyond all bargains

The Balfour Declaration is null and void and it is a promise made by he who does not own to those who do not deserve” Hamas's Department of Refugee Affairs (DRA) stated on Friday.

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