Sun 7-July-2024

Right of return

Return March organizers: Israel’s terrorism will not intimidate us

National committee for the March of Return during a press conference held near the Great March of Return's tent east of Gaza city which was targeted by Israeli gunfire on Wednesday morning said that Israel will not succeed in terrorizing the Palestinian people.

“Great Return March” on Friday

Thousands of Palestinians will march and stage sit-ins at Israeli borders and checkpoints on Friday in an unprecedented mass action campaign demanding the right to return to homes that they lost when the Israeli state was established in 1948.

Activist: March of Return response to US Israeli policies

Palestinian lawyer and human rights activist Salah Abdulati on Sunday affirmed that the Great March of Return is a purely peaceful event that calls for bringing international resolutions into force especially Resolution 194 which stipulates the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes from which they were displaced in 1948.

First camp erected in preparation for March of Return

National Committee for the March of Return on Sunday morning started the installation of its first camp in Khuza'a border village east of Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip.

Popular march in Gaza in support of right of return

Coordination committee of the Great March of Return on Saturday organized a popular march near the border fence east of Gaza's Shuja'iyya neighborhood in rejection of the "deal of the century" and in support of the Palestinian refugees' right of return.

Palestinian factions form national committee for marches of return

The Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip have announced the formation of the national committee for organizing marches of return and breaking the siege.

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