Wed 26-June-2024

Rocket fire

QB showers central Israel with salvo of rockets

Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, said it launched on Sunday a large rocket counterattack on Tel Aviv in response to the ongoing Israeli massacres in the Gaza Strip.

After eight-day pause, QB resumes rocket fire at Tel Aviv

Following an eight-day hiatus from rocket attacks on Tel Aviv, al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, fired a salvo of long-range rockets towards the Israeli city in response to the ongoing massacres in the Gaza Strip.

Aqsa Flood enters its 10th day amid retaliatory fire from Gaza

Al-Aqsa Flood battle entered on Monday its 10th day amid ongoing drone and rocket attacks on Israeli targets while the number of Israeli casualties climbed to 1500 deaths and 3900 injuries.

QB fighters fire 20 rockets at Shlomi and Nahariya settlements

Al-Qassam Brigades the armed wing of Hamas announced on Sunday evening that its fighters fired 20 rockets from southern Lebanon at the settlements of Shlomi and Nahariya in the north of 1948 occupied Palestine.

“Aqsa Flood” enters its 9th day amid ongoing rocket fire and clashes

Al-Aqsa Flood battle entered on Sunday its ninth day amid ongoing rocket fire from Gaza and clashes between resistance fighters and Israeli forces in border areas.

Amid clashes and rocket fire “Aqsa Flood” enters its sixth day

Al-Aqsa Flood battle entered on Thursday its sixth day amid ongoing clashes between Palestinian resistance fighters and Israeli forces in different sites in 1948 occupied Palestine and rocket fire from the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian resistance fires missile at W. Bank settlement

The Ayyash Brigade said on Tuesday that its fighters fired one missile dubbed “Al-Qassam 1” at the illegal settlement of Shaked near Jenin in the northern West Bank.

Israeli airstrikes rock Gaza resistance responds

The Israeli occupation army launched at dawn Thursday aerial attacks on different sites of the besieged Gaza Strip prompting the Palestinian resistance to respond by firing a volley of rockets at Israeli settlements.

Gaza rocket hits Sderot house amid simmering tensions in J’lem

An Israeli apartment sustained damage after a Palestinian rocket landed in Sderot on Wednesday night according to the Hebrew media.

Two rockets from Gaza accidently land off shores of Tel Aviv

The Israeli occupation army said that two rockets from the Gaza Strip fell into the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Tel Aviv and thus did not trigger sirens.