Mon 16-September-2024


Doudin condemns salary deduction of families of prisoners martyrs

Mousa Doudin member of Hamas’s Political Bureau and the official in charge of martyrs and prisoners file said that the Israeli deduction of the wages allocated for the families of Palestinian martyrs and detainees out of the tax revenues proves the savageness and sadism of the Israeli occupation.

Sit-in of West Bank ex-detainees enters its 54th day

Palestinian ex-prisoners whose salaries were recently halted by the Palestinian Authority (PA) continued on Saturday their protest sit-in for the 54th consecutive day at Yasser Arafat Square in Ramallah City. They also went on hunger strike for the 13th day in protest at the salary cut-off.

Ex-detainees on hunger strike for 12th day to protest halted salaries

Several Palestinian ex-detainees have continued their hunger strike in their sit-in tent in Ramallah city for the 12th consecutive day on Wednesday in protest at the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) persistence in depriving them of their monthly allowances.

50 Palestinians in Israeli jail declare hunger strike over salary cut

50 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails announced their decision to go on an open-ended hunger strike after the Palestinian Authority (PA) suspended their salaries.

Ex-prisoners’ families rally over salary cuts by PA

The families of Palestinian ex-prisoners took on to Ramallah streets Tuesday denouncing the suspension of their salaries by the Palestinian Authority (PA) chaired by Mahmoud Abbas.

Ex-prisoners sound distress signals after PA cuts their livelihoods

Ex-prisoners from Nablus province launched cries for help after the Palestinian Authority (PA) chaired by Mahmoud Abbas cut their salaries.

Badran calls for backing ex-detainees demanding financial rights

Hamas spokesman Husam Badran has called on the Palestinian people from all spectra to actively support the ex-detainees who have been challenging for days in Ramallah city the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) decision to deprive them of their monthly payments.

Foreign activists visit protesters of halted salaries in Ramallah

A group of foreign activists on Thursday visited Yasser Arafat Square in Ramallah city where several ex-detainees have been holding a protest over their halted salaries for several days.

Ex-prisoners to Abbas: Salaries cut-off will never dampen our spirits

Dozens of ex-prisoners rallied on Wednesday outside the house of the Palestinian Minister of Labor Maamoun Abu Shahla south of Gaza protesting the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) suspension of their salaries.

Palestinian ex-prisoners rally over arbitrary salary suspension

Palestinian ex-prisoners and their families rallied on Sunday morning outside the office of the Palestinian Authority (PA) prisoners’ committee al-Bireh to protest the suspension of their salaries.