Wed 3-July-2024


Jewish settlers uproot 60 olives saplings in Salfit

Jewish settlers uprooted dozens of Palestinian olive saplings in al-Ras area in western Salfit on Wednesday.

Israeli army orders evacuation of agricultural land in Salfit

The Israeli occupation army has issued a decision ordering the evacuation of five dunums of Palestinian-owned land in the north of Kafr ad-Dik town west of Salfit.

Jewish settlers uproot dozens of olive trees in Salfit

Jewish settlers uprooted dozens of olive trees north of the town of Kafr ad-Dik west of Salfit in the northern occupied West Bank on Tuesday night.

IOF uproots 250 olive trees in Salfit

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) levelled on Monday evening Palestinian-owned agricultural lands and destroyed hundreds of olive trees in the al-Ras area in Salfit in the central West Bank.

IOA to annex vast swaths of Salfit land to build sewer for settlers

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) has declared its intent recently to annex vast tracts of Palestinian land in western Salfit in the West Bank to install a new sewer pipe for Jewish settlers.

IOA decides to annex W. Bank land to expand Tapuach settlement

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Wednesday notified Palestinian citizens of its intent to appropriate dozens of dunums of their lands in Yasuf village northeast of Salfit in order to expand the illegal settlement of Tapuach.

Jewish settlers level Palestinian lands in Salfit

A group of Jewish settlers razed thousands of dunums of Palestinian lands in Kafr al-Dik and Deir Ballut villages west of Salfit on Saturday.

IOF detains ex-prisoner in Salfit

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested a Palestinian ex-prisoner from his vehicle in the West Bank on Thursday night.

IOA appropriates thousands of Palestinian dunums in Salfit

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) announced plans to appropriate thousands of dunums of Palestinian land in Salfit governorate.

Settlers uproot olive trees in Salfit

Dozens of Jewish settlers on Wednesday uprooted olive trees and damaged an irrigation network in the Wadi Qana area northwest of Salfit.