Mon 16-September-2024

Settlement outposts

Israeli official seizes Palestinian plot turns it into outpost

A former employee of Israel's Civil Administration declared a plot of land in the occupied West Bank to be state land and then after leaving his job set up an illegal outpost on it Haaretz reported on Saturday.

New settlement outpost established near Nablus

Hebrew media sources on Sunday revealed that a group of Israeli settlers over the past few days have established a new settlement outpost near Nablus city.

Settlers establish new outpost northwest of al-Khalil

Dozens of Jewish settlers on Monday placed mobile homes on Mount Juwaihan to the northeast of al-Khalil city as a prelude to establishing a new outpost in the area.

New settlement outpost in Jordan Valley

A group of Israeli settlers have started to establish a new settlement outpost on privately-owned Palestinian lands in the Jordan Valley.

Clashes erupt as settler attempts to establish outpost near Tubas

Palestinians east of Tubas city organized a protest on Sunday to prevent an Israeli settler and his family from establishing a settlement outpost between al-Aqaba and Tayasir villages in the northern Jordan Valley.

IOF removes settlement outpost in Nablus

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Tuesday morning started to remove a settlement outpost recently established by Israeli settlers in Beita town south of Nablus city.

New settlement outpost to be established in Nablus

Palestinian sources on Sunday warned that preparations are underway to establish a new settlement outpost south of Nablus after settlers have seized new Palestinian-owned lands in the area.

Haaretz: 17 outposts established in West Bank since 2011

Israeli statistics have revealed that the Israeli settlers with the help of the Israeli occupation authorities have set up 17 settlement outposts in the occupied West Bank since 2011.

Palestinian wins court decision to remove settler outpost on his land

A Palestinian citizen on Saturday won a court decision to remove four mobile houses set up by Israeli settlers on his land in al-Khader town to the south of Bethlehem Palestinian sources reported.

IOF confiscates 45 dunums west of Salfit

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) confiscated a Palestinian-owned land in Zawiya town west of Salfit.