Mon 8-July-2024


MP: Legitimizing settlement outposts declaration of war

Palestinian lawmaker Mustafa al-Barghouthi on Tuesday said the legitimization of settlement outposts by the Israeli Knesset is “a war on the Palestinian people.”

Fire spreads into Halamish settlement in West Bank

Fires continued to burn in different parts of Israel Saturday morning with hundreds of Jewish settlers being evacuated from the West Bank settlement of Halamish.

France orders businesses to label settlement-made products

France has informed retailers and importers that goods produced in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories must be clearly labeled in compliance with a European Union (EU) resolution issued last year.

Israel approves construction of 181 housing units in O. J’lem

Israeli municipality approved Thursday morning the construction of new housing units in occupied Jerusalem starting from next week.

Israel embarks on building new road for settlers east of Nablus

The Israeli occupation authority has started to build a new road for settlers on annexed land in Deir al-Hatab town east of Nablus according to local sources.

Israeli settlers protest against Amona evacuation

Thousands of Israeli settlers marched Thursday evening in protest against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s intention to evacuate Amona settlement outpost.

Kol Ha’ir unveils wide settlement projects in W. Bank and J’lem

Israeli companies and investors with the help of the government in Tel Aviv have been embarking recently on marketing and finishing widespread housing projects as well as a commercial complex in settlements in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Netanyahu to delay Amona evacuation for six months

Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu decided in a meeting on Thursday with some of his right-wing ministers to ask the high court of justice for a six-month delay in evacuating the illegal West Bank outpost of Amona.

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