Fri 20-September-2024

Settler crimes

Extremist settlers stage racist march in Silwan

Scores of extremist Jewish settlers on Tuesday evening participated in a provocative march towards the neighborhood of Batn al-Hawa in the east Jerusalem district of Silwan where dozens of Palestinian families are facing an Israeli ethnic displacement plan targeting them.

Armed settlers burn vast tracts of agricultural land in Yatta

A horde of armed Jewish settlers on Tuesday evening set fire to swaths of Palestinian-owned cultivated land in the east of Yatta City south of al-Khalil City and prevented local residents from extinguishing the flames.

Palestinian injured in settlers’ attack in Deir Jarir village

A Palestinian citizen was injured and a car sustained damage when a horde of extremist settlers attacked Deir Jarir villagers in the northeast of Ramallah.

Palestinian kid injured by settler gunfire in W. Bank village

A Palestinian kid suffered a bullet injury on Monday evening in Janiya village in western Ramallah when an extremist Jewish settler opened fire at him.

Three Palestinian injured in settler attack in Qalqilya

Three Palestinian citizens on Sunday evening suffered injuries when a horde of extremist Jewish settlers attacked them during their presence in Wadi Qana reserve southeast of Qalqilya in the occupied West Bank.

Settlers burn crops cave south of al-Khalil

A group of settlers burned on Saturday more than 15 dunums planted with seasonal winter crops and a cave in Yatta while others attacked Palestinians east of al-Khalil.

Palestinian woman killed by settler in al-Khalil

A Jewish settler shot dead a Palestinian woman near the entrance to the Kiryat Arba settlement in al-Khalil on Wednesday evening.

Armed settler attacks Palestinian car injures driver in al-Khalil

A Palestinian young man was injured on Sunday morning when a horde of armed settlers opened fire at him as he was driving his car on a road in the northeast of al-Khalil in the occupied West Bank.

IOF kidnaps several Palestinians in northern Ramallah

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) at dawn Thursday (the first day of Eid al-Fitr) carried out violent raids on homes and kidnaped several Palestinian citizens during a campaign in different areas of northern Ramallah.

Jewish settler attempts to run over worshipers near Aqsa Mosque

A Jewish settler tried to ram his car into a group of Palestinian worshipers who were leaving the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem on Monday morning.

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