Fri 20-September-2024

Settler crimes

Jewish fanatics destroy dozens of olive trees in Nahalin town

A horde of Jewish settlers on Saturday morning wreaked havoc on a Palestinian-owned olive grove in the Bethlehem town of Nahalin in the occupied West Bank.

Jewish settlers destroy hundreds of grapevines in Khader town

A horde of Jewish settlers on Wednesday wreaked havoc on a Palestinian-owned vineyard near al-Khader town in Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank.

Jewish settlers attack Sumoud and Tahaddi Center in al-Khalil

A horde of Jewish settlers last night attacked Sumoud and Tahaddi Center an affiliate of Youth Against Settlement in Tel Rumeida neighborhood in al-Khalil city.

Jewish settlers attack Palestinians torch two cars near Dead Sea

A horde of extremist Jewish settlers on Monday night attacked a group of Palestinian citizens and set alight two cars belonging to them in an area near the Dead Sea in the occupied West Bank.

Settlers flood Palestinian vineyards with sewage in Beit Ummar town

Settlers from the illegal settlement bloc of Gush Etzion on Monday flooded Palestinian vineyards with wastewater in the West Bank town of Beit Ummar north of al-Khalil province.

ARIJ: As others busy fighting coronavirus settlers escalate crimes

The Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem (ARIJ) has said that the settlers’ crimes and violations in the occupied territories of the West Bank and Jerusalem increased significantly in the midst of the coronavirus crisis.

Settlers kidnap two Palestinians in northern Ramallah

A horde of Jewish settlers on Tuesday afternoon kidnaped two Palestinian young men from Kobar town in the northwest of Ramallah.

Settlers cut off over 300 olive trees in W. Bank town of Sa’ir

A horde of extremist Jewish settlers on Saturday chopped off dozens of olive trees in Sa’ir town east of al-Khalil city in the occupied West Bank.

Settlers damage Palestinian car steal it in W. Bank

A horde of extremist Jewish settlers on Monday attacked Palestinian citizens aboard a car traveling on a road near Silat ad-Dhahr town south of Jenin province in the occupied West Bank.

Jewish settlers attack W. Bank village of Burqa

A horde of extremist Jewish settlers on Friday evening attacked an agricultural area in Burqa village north of Nablus in the occupied West Bank.

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