Mon 16-September-2024

Settler crimes

Jewish settlers torch Palestinian bulldozer in Nablus

A horde of extremist Jewish settlers on Thursday evening set fire to a Palestinian-owned bulldozer on a road in southern Nablus in the occupied West Bank.

Jewish settlers assault Palestinian and his wife in al-Khalil

Jewish settlers on Saturday night assaulted a Palestinian citizen and his wife upon their return to their house in Tel Rumeida neighborhood in al-Khalil city south of the occupied West Bank.

Jewish settlers kill “olive harvest season” in Tell town

As the olive harvest season is approaching in Palestine some Palestinian farmers like Mohamed Saqer Asida from Tell town in Nablus cannot collect their olive crops this year after extremist Jewish settlers set fire to vast tracts of land and destroyed their trees.

Settlers sabotage scores of grape trees east of Ramallah

A horde of Jewish settlers on Monday evening destroyed dozens of fruitful grape trees belonging to a Palestinian farmer in Kafr Malik town east of Ramallah city in the occupied West Bank.

Settlers poison Palestinian-owned sheep east of Nablus

At least 10 sheep belonging to a Palestinian farmer in Salem town east of Nablus in the occupied West Bank reportedly died on Monday after Jewish settlers poisoned a plot of grazing land.

Extremist Jews attack Palestinian driver from Kafr Qasem

A 33-year-old Palestinian bus driver from Kafr Qasim was physically assaulted and sprayed with pepper gas on his face on Tuesday morning by extremist Jewish young men on a road between Kafr Qasem and Petah Tikva.

Victim of Israeli occupation crimes

In the same area manner and timing almost a new massacre was about to happen in the village of Duma to the south of the city of Nablus at the hands of Israeli gangs who infiltrated under the cover of the night to the village to spread havoc death and terror among people exactly the same as they did to the family of Dawabsha years ago.

Settlers slice tires spray racist graffiti in Nablus

A horde of Jewish settlers on Friday punctured tires of a Palestinian heavy truck and spraypainted racist slurs on a wall near a quarry in Urif village south of Nablus in the occupied West Bank.

Torching Akraba mosque

Religious decrees and extremist settlers are all it takes to continue torching mosques in the West Bank; as what happened to the entrance of Sheikh Sa'ada mosque in the town of Aqraba southeast of Nablus at dawn on Friday 13 April 2018.

Palestinians in Nablus bid farewell to martyr Amir Shehada

Hundreds of Palestinians marched in Nablus city on Sunday morning in the funeral of the Palestinian martyr Amir Shehada 19 who died on Saturday evening after being shot by Israeli settlers in Urif village south of Nablus.