Sun 22-September-2024

Settler crimes

Settlers vandalize Palestinian cars in Silwan

A horde of extremist Jewish settlers vandalized at dawn Thursday several Palestinian vehicles in Silwan district in Occupied Jerusalem.

Jewish settlers burn 100 dunums of cultivated land in W. Bank

A horde of extremist Jewish settlers set fire to vast tracts of agricultural land in al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya town south of Nablus in the occupied West Bank.

Ninth anniversary of the burning alive of the child Khdeir

This week marks the 9th anniversary of the Palestinian teenager Muhammed Abu Khdeir's kidnapping and murder at the hands of Jewish settlers.

Settlers torch Palestinian-owned fields in Masafer Yatta

A horde of extremist Jewish settlers burned on Friday a vast tract of cultivated field in at-Tuwanah village in Masafer Yatta south of al-Khalil.

Settlers attack Dura al-Qari’a village in Ramallah

A horde of extremist Jewish settlers attacked on Thursday evening Dura al-Qari’a village in the north of Ramallah.

Palestinian injured in settler attack in Masafer Yatta

A horde of extremist Jewish settlers assaulted on Wednesday a Palestinian young man in Masafer Yatta south of al-Khalil while others verbally attacked Palestinian citizens in the holy city of Jerusalem.

Palestinian shepherds injured in settler attack in Jericho

A horde of extremist Jewish settlers savagely assaulted Palestinian shepherds as they were grazing their sheep in the Bedouin area of Arab al-Malihat in the northwest of Jericho east of the occupied West Bank.

Palestinians injured in settler attacks in Nablus

A number of Palestinian citizens were injured on Monday evening when Jewish settlers attacked them in southern Nablus.

Jewish settlers torch wheat field in Ramallah

A horde of extremist Jewish settlers set ablaze a wheat field in the Palestinian village of Turmus Ayya in northern Ramallah on Sunday morning.

IOF kidnaps Jerusalemite clash with resistance fighters in Jenin

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) kidnaped at dawn Sunday a Palestinian ex-detainee from Jerusalem and clashed with resistance fighters in Jenin.

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