Fri 20-September-2024

Sheikh Bakirat

Sheikh Bakirat warns of great dangers threatening Aqsa Mosque

Sheikh Najeh Bakirat deputy head of the Islamic Awqaf Administration in Occupied Jerusalem urged the Palestinian masses to intensify their presence at the Aqsa Mosque nowadays to foil intended attempts by extremist Jewish settlers to offer animal sacrifice and perform Talmudic rituals at the Islamic holy site.

Sheikh Bakirat calls for continuing to visit Aqsa Mosque

Sheikh Najeh Bakirat deputy head of the Islamic Awqaf Administration in Occupied Jerusalem has called for continuing to visit the Aqsa Mosque more frequently and maintaining intensive Muslim presence in its courtyards to protect it against any Israeli attempt to Judaize it.

Bakirat vows to continue defending Jerusalem

Deputy Director of the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf Council Sheikh Najeh Bakirat has stressed that the deportation orders issued by the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) against Jerusalemite figures will not weaken their determination to defend Jerusalem.

IOA issues deportation order against Sheikh Najeh Bakirat

Deputy Director of the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf Council Sheikh Najeh Bakirat received an Israeli occupation authority (IOA) deportation order on Wednesday evening.

Europeans for al-Quds slams Israeli measures against Sheikh Bakirat

Europeans for al-Quds has strongly denounced the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) for its recent decisions to banish Sheikh Najeh Bakirat deputy head of the Islamic Awqaf Administration in Jerusalem from the holy city and to extend his travel ban.

Sheikh Bakirat: The Jerusalemites are able to foil Israeli plots

Sheikh Najeh Bakirat deputy head of the Islamic Awqaf Administration in Occupied Jerusalem has affirmed that the people of Jerusalem are able to confront and thwart the Israeli Judaization plots against their holy city and the Aqsa Mosque.

Bakirat: Israeli raids into Al-Aqsa Mosque will not deter Palestinians

Deputy Director of the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf Council Sheikh Najeh Bakirat has stressed that the escalating Israeli raids into the Al-Aqsa Mosque will not weaken the Palestinian people’s determination to defend their holy site.

IOA slaps travel ban on Sheikh Bakirat

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) handed on Thursday Sheikh Najeh Bakirat deputy head of the Islamic Awqaf Administration in Occupied Jerusalem a written order banning his travel abroad.

Sheikh Bakirat: The Aqsa Mosque belongs exclusively to Muslims

Sheikh Najeh Bakirat deputy director of the Islamic Awqaf in Jerusalem has affirmed that the Palestinian people reject any attempt by the Israeli occupation state to divide the Aqsa Mosque between Muslims and Jews.

Bakirat: Jerusalemite activists spearhead of defending Al-Aqsa Mosque

The deputy director of the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf Council Sheikh Najeh Bakirat has stressed that Jerusalemite activists are the spearhead of defending the Al-Aqsa Mosque against the Israeli plans to divide the holy site.