Fri 20-September-2024

Sheikh Bakirat

Sheikh Bakirat warns of Israeli excavations at Al-Aqsa

Deputy Director of the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf Council Sheikh Najeh Bakirat on Monday warned that the continuous excavations carried out by the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) in the Al-Aqsa Mosque were meant to obliterate the Islamic and historical landmarks of the holy site.

Bakirat: Israel is waging war on Palestinian education in J’lem

Sheikh Najeh Bakirat head of the Aqsa Academy for Science and Heritage has accused the Israeli occupation government of waging a systematic war on the Palestinian education sector in Jerusalem and planning to impose its control over Palestinian schools.

Sheikh Bakirat warns of Israeli plan to take part of Aqsa Mosque

Sheikh Najeh Bakirat deputy director of the Islamic Awqaf in Occupied Jerusalem has affirmed that any Israeli plan to deduct part of the Aqsa Mosque for Jewish settlers would mean the demise of the occupation state.

Sheikh Bakirat: IOA seeks to end Jordan’s custodianship of Aqsa Mosque

Sheikh Najeh Bakirat deputy director of the Islamic Awqaf in Occupied Jerusalem has warned that the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) already began to impose the temporal and spatial division of the Aqsa Mosque on the ground.

Sheikh Bakirat released on condition of not entering Aqsa for 20 days

An Israeli court on Sunday ordered the conditional release of Sheikh Najeh Bakirat deputy director of the Islamic Awqaf in Jerusalem after the Israeli occupation police kidnaped him last Wednesday from the Old City.

IOA accuses Sheikh Bakirat of delivering sermons teaching Qur’an

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) has been arbitrarily detaining Sheikh Najeh Bakirat deputy director of the Islamic Awqaf in Jerusalem for several days.

Sheikh Bakirat calls for protecting Aqsa against settler break-ins

Sheikh Najeh Bakirat deputy director of the Islamic Awqaf in Jerusalem has warned of Jewish temple groups’ intent to organize mass settler break-ins soon at the Aqsa Mosque to mark religious occasions urging Muslim worshipers to march en masse to their holy site to protect it.

Israeli police kidnap Aqsa guard extend banishment of Sheikh Bakirat

The Israeli occupation police on Thursday kidnaped one of the Aqsa Mosque guards and extended the banishment of Sheikh Najeh Bakirat from the Aqsa Mosque and the Old City.

Sheikh Bakirat: Aqsa gates will remain open in holy month of Ramadan

Sheikh Najeh Bakirat deputy director of the Islamic Awqaf in Jerusalem and head of al-Aqsa Academy for Science and Heritage has affirmed that the Islamic Awqaf Administration will not close the Aqsa Mosque’s gates during the holy month of Ramadan despite the occupation and its policies.