Sat 6-July-2024

Shooting attack

Resistance fighters open fire at Jalama crossing

Anonymous gunmen believed to be from the Palestinian resistance opened fire at a gathering of soldiers at Jalama crossing north of Jenin city and escaped the scene.

Israeli settler bus comes under gunfire attack near Ramallah

Anonymous gunmen on Monday evening opened fire at an Israeli bus in the illegal settlement region of Binyamin near Ramallah city.

Shots fired at Israeli vehicle west of Ramallah

Palestinian resistance fighters carried out a shooting attack on Wednesday evening against a vehicle carrying Israeli settlers to the west of occupied Ramallah city.

Israeli soldier lightly wounded in Tulkarem anti-occupation shooting

An Israeli soldier was injured on Thursday evening in an anti-occupation shooting attack targeting an Israeli army patrol near Tulkarem province.

Palestinian youth killed after shooting attack

Israeli occupation forces shot dead a Palestinian youth after he fired at the soldiers and wounded three of them to the north of Ramallah on Monday evening.

Israeli army besieges Sa’ir town following shooting attack

The Israeli occupation army on Saturday night declared Sa’ir town northeast of al-Khalil city a closed military zone following a drive-by shooting attack on an Israeli car on Road 60.

Israeli car comes under gunfire attack near Gush Etzion

An Israeli car on Saturday evening was exposed to a drive-by shooting attack on a road near one of Gush Etzion settlements located between al-Khalil and Bethlehem in the West Bank.

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