Tue 9-July-2024


Israeli police attack Palestinians in al-Bustan in Jerusalem

Clashes erupted in the al-Bustan neighborhood of Silwan in Occupied Jerusalem after the Friday prayer in the tent which was held in rejection of the policy of demolition and decisions that threaten to displace residents from several neighborhoods in the town.

Settlers seize Palestinian building in Silwan

​Jewish settlers seized on Thursday night a Palestinian residential building in Wadi Hilweh neighborhood in Silwan town in Occupied Jerusalem.

Silwan families urge participation in Friday’s solidarity events

The families of the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan have called on their compatriots in Jerusalem and the 1948 occupied territory (Israel) to observe the Friday khutba (sermon) and prayer and participate in the rally to be held tomorrow in al-Bustan neighborhood.

Jordan deplores Israel’s demolition of home store in Silwan

The Jordanian ministry of foreign affairs has condemned the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) for demolishing a Palestinian home and a commercial facility in the east Jerusalem district of Silwan.

Israeli police demolish apartment in Silwan

The Israeli occupation municipality crews in Jerusalem demolished on Tuesday an apartment in the Sweih neighborhood of Silwan town south of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Israeli police storm Al-Bustan neighborhood demolish shop

The Israeli police stormed on Tuesday morning Silwan town in Occupied Jerusalem in preparation for the demolition of houses in the Al-Bustan neighborhood after the self-demolition period for the owners of 13 houses expired.

Thirteen families threatened with displacement on Sunday in Al-Bustan

The deadline set by the Israeli occupation authorities ends Sunday for 13 families who received orders to self-demolish their homes in the Bustan neighborhood of Silwan town in Occupied Jerusalem within 21 days applying the Israeli Kaminitz law.

17 Jerusalemite homes facing imminent demolition in Silwan

Member of the Silwan Land Defense Committee Fakhri Abu Diyab has warned that 17 homes could be demolished by the end of next July in the east Jerusalem district of Silwan.

Extremist settlers stage racist march in Silwan

Scores of extremist Jewish settlers on Tuesday evening participated in a provocative march towards the neighborhood of Batn al-Hawa in the east Jerusalem district of Silwan where dozens of Palestinian families are facing an Israeli ethnic displacement plan targeting them.

Fatwa Council: Demolition of al-Bustan neighborhood is dangerous step

The Palestinian Supreme Fatwa Council warned of the implications of the Israeli decision to demolish the al-Bustan neighborhood in Silwan town south of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem.

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