Wed 18-September-2024

Solidarity sit-in

IOA bans prisoners families from staging solidarity sit-in

Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) banned on Saturday evening dozens of families of Jerusalemite prisoners from organizing a solidarity sit-in with hunger striking detainees in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Occupied Jerusalem.

Jenin: Citizens rally in solidarity with hunger strikers

Relatives of Palestinian prisoners and activists in the West Bank city of Jenin affirmed on Friday that they would not leave the hunger-striking prisoners alone in their battle against the injustice inflicted upon them by Israeli jailers.

Sit-in in solidarity with Palestinian captives in Gaza

Hamas Movement participated in a sit-in organized by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners on Thursday in front of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Gaza.

Protest sit-in in Gaza against the PA salary cuts

Head of Hamas’s popular action department Ashraf Abu Zayda slammed the Palestinian Authority (PA) in Ramallah for the salary cuts decision against Gaza government employees.

Sit-in in Gaza in solidarity with female captives

Ministry of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs along with Women Affairs Ministry organized on Tuesday a solidarity sit-in with Palestinian female captives in Israeli jails on the International Women's Day which coincides on March 08.

Solidarity sit-in with prisoners in Nablus

Dozens of Palestinians and representatives of institutions and national figures along with families of prisoners took part on Tuesday in a sit-in organized in solidarity with Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails. They condemned Israeli violations against captives and called for holding more solidarity events.

Palestinian students stage solidarity sit-in with Aleppo

The Islamic Bloc in Gaza Strip staged a solidarity rally with Aleppo and Muslims in Burma on Tuesday hoisting banners inscribed with slogans of condemnation and anger regarding the Arab and Islamic countries’ silence towards the massacres in Syria and Burma.

Gazans rally in solidarity with hunger strikers Shadeed and Abu Fara

Scores of Palestinian citizens and national figures participated on Wednesday in a sit-in in the Gaza Strip to express their solidarity with hunger-striking prisoners Anas Shadeed and Ahmed Abu Fara.

Gaza: Palestinians rally in solidarity with Nael Barghouthi

Wa’ed Society for Detainees and Ex-Detainees on Monday morning organized a sit-in in solidarity with dean of the Palestinian prisoners Nael al-Barghouthi outside the Red Cross headquarters in Gaza City.

Jenin: Sit-in in solidarity with hunger strikers in Israeli jails

Palestinian factions and national figures in Jenin province on Monday called for participating actively in events in support of the hunger-striking prisoners in Israeli jails.