Mon 16-September-2024

Solitary confinement

Israeli court postpones session on isolated prisoner Manasra

An Israeli court postponed on Wednesday morning a special session to study a petition asking it to reconsider a verdict extending the isolation of prisoner Ahmed Manasra.

Ra’fat Nasif among 40 detainees held in isolation in Israeli jails

There are about 40 Palestinian detainees being held in solitary confinement in different Israeli jails.

Raafat Nassif held in solitary confinement for five months

The Israeli Prison Service has been holding the Hamas leader Raafat Nassif in solitary confinement for five months.

IPS forces raid Ramon cells isolate three PFLP prisoners

Israeli forces carried out raids on cells in Ramon jail and transferred three Palestinian prisoners to solitary confinement on Monday morning.

Hunger striker Munadel Infiaat demands halt to punitive measures

Palestinian prisoner Munadel Infiaat entered on Saturday day six of the hunger strike he staged to protest the punitive measures taken against him by the Israeli prison service.

EU urges Israel to end Ahmad Manasra’s solitary confinement

The European Union (EU) called on the Israeli authorities to end the solitary confinement of the Palestinian prisoner Ahmad Manasra and to ensure he receives the necessary psychological counselling and support.

Family of Manasra calls for saving him from solitary confinement

The family of Jerusalemite prisoner Ahmed Manasra 21 has appealed to international human rights groups to intervene to save its son from solitary confinement and to work on his release before his psychological health deteriorates further.

Isolated internee enters day 9 of hunger strike

Palestinian administrative detainee Seba at-Titi entered on Wednesday day 9 of the hunger strike he staged in protest at his solitary confinement.

Palestinian prisoner suffers from burns in Ramon prison

A Palestinian prisoner was hurt on Sunday after he set his isolation cell in Ramon prison on fire in protest at his solitary confinement which continued for more than one month.

Israeli court rejects petition to release prisoner Manasra

The Israeli court in Beersheba on Thursday rejected a petition to release Palestinian prisoner Ahmad Manasra who is being held in solitary confinement.

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