Thu 19-September-2024

Solitary confinement

Ramon jailers take Sheikh Salah from isolation cell to jail infirmary

Sheikh Ra’ed Salah head of the Islamic Movement in 1948 occupied Palestine (Israel) at dawn Thursday was taken to the infirmary of the Ramon jail where he has been held in solitary confinement in a small cell for over a year.

Prisoner Malek Hamed in solitary confinement for 14 days

Israeli prison service (IPS) has been keeping the Palestinian prisoner Malek Hamed in isolation for 14 days and the confinement conditions are unknown.

Israeli court extends isolation of Sheikh Ra’ed Salah

An Israeli court on Wednesday decided to extend the solitary confinement of Sheikh Ra’ed Salah head of the Islamic Movement in 1948 occupied Palestine (Israel) until he completes his prison term.

Israeli prospectors file request to extend isolation of Sheikh Salah

Israeli prosecutors on Sunday submitted a court request to extend the solitary confinement of Sheikh Ra’ed Salah head of the Islamic Movement in 1948 occupied Palestine (Israel).

Arab Follow-Up Committee calls for ending isolation of Sheikh Salah

The High Follow-Up Committee for Arab citizens of Israel (1948 occupied Palestine) has called on the Israeli government and its jailers to end the arbitrary abusive and punitive measures against Sheikh Ra’ed Salah holding them responsible for any harm that may come to him.

Freedoms Committee concerned over Israeli restrictions on Sheikh Salah

The Freedoms Committee in 1948 occupied Palestine (Israel) has expressed its deep concern over the reported Israeli restrictions imposed on Sheikh Ra’ed Saleh the head of the Islamic Movement in solitary confinement.

15 administrative detainees continue hunger strike in Israeli jails

15 Palestinian prisoners have been on open-ended hunger strike for several days in protest at their detention administratively with no indictments or trials.

Sheikh Salah isolated in harsh conditions

Khaled Zabarqa Sheikh Raed Salah’s lawyer said on Saturday that Sheikh Salah who is the head of the northern branch of the Islamic movement in 1948 Occupied Palestine is isolated in harsh conditions in the Israeli Ramon prison in the Negev desert.

Prisoner Rifaat Abu Fara in isolation for 25 days

Palestinian prisoner Rifaat Abu Fara has been in solitary confinement in the Negev jail for 25 days as a punitive measure after he delivered on May 13 an Eid al-Fitr khutba (sermon) and talked about Israel’s military aggression and crimes in Gaza.

IPS isolates Abu Sorour despite his difficult health condition

The Palestinian prisoner Ashraf Abu Sorour 40 from Aida refugee camp north of Bethlehem is still being held in solitary confinement for many months in the Israeli Beer Sheba prison.