Thu 19-September-2024

Solitary confinement

Two Palestinians held in complete isolation for long months

Two Palestinian prisoners have been suffering from harsh incarceration conditions in isolation cells in Israeli jails for long months.

Israeli court extends isolation of Sheikh Ra’ed Salah

An Israeli court on Wednesday extended the solitary confinement of Sheikh Ra’ed Salah for six additional months.

Israeli court extends Sheikh Salah’s solitary confinement

Khaled Zabarqa Sheikh Raed Salah’s lawyer said on Wednesday that an Israeli court transferred Sheikh Salah last week to solitary confinement in Ohli Kedar prison in the Beersheba desert under poor detention conditions.

Two Palestinian women isolated maltreated in Damon jail

Two Palestinian women are being held under extremely harsh conditions inside an isolation cell in Damon jail.

Eight Palestinians held in complete isolation for long months

Eight Palestinian prisoners have been suffering from harsh incarceration conditions in isolation cells in the Israeli jail of Megiddo for long months.

Two Palestinian women being isolated badly treated in Israeli jail

Two Palestinian female prisoners are being held under extremely harsh conditions inside an isolation cell in Jalamah jail.

Prisoner Wael Jaghoub in complete isolation for week

Palestinian prisoner Wael al-Jaghoub has been held incommunicado and under harsh incarceration conditions for a week in an Israeli jail.

Two Palestinian prisoners in isolation for over 100 days

Two Palestinian prisoners have been in solitary confinement in Israeli jails for over 100 days according to a Palestinian rights group.

Palestinian child in solitary confinement for 27 days

A Palestinian child has been locked up in an isolation cell in the Israeli jail of Ofek for 27 days to punish him for refusing to be incarcerated with Israeli criminal detainees.

Prisoner Tabish still isolated under harsh conditions in Ayalon jail

The Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs has said that the Israeli prison service is still detaining prisoner Ayman Tabish from Dura town in al-Khalil in an isolation cell in Ayalon jail under harsh and inhumane conditions.