Tue 17-September-2024

Stone-throwing attacks

Israel army cracks down on anti-occupation youth over stone-hurling

Heavily-armed Israeli patrols rolled into the southern occupied West Bank province of al-Khalil on Monday and chased down Palestinian youths on allegations that a settler’s van was stoned.

Palestinian officer injured his car smashed by Israeli assailants

Israeli settlers attacked overnight Wednesday a Palestinian intelligence officer while he was driving near Ariel illegal settlement outpost in the occupied West Bank.

Palestinian protesters stone Israeli cars over settler terrorism

Palestinian anti-occupation youth stoned on Wednesday Israeli settlers’ cars in al-Khalil’s town of Halhoul south of the occupied West Bank.

Palestinian youths attack settlers’ bus near Beit Ummar town

Palestinian young men on Wednesday evening attacked a bus carrying Jewish settlers with stones and empty bottles on a road near the main entrance to Beit Ummar town in al-Khalil.

Clashes after settlers’ cars near Salem town pelted with stones

The Israeli occupation army on Tuesday claimed its forces stormed the outskirts of Salem town in Nablus after settlers’ cars were thrown with stones by local young men.

Israeli security minister’s car pelted with stones in Abu Dis

Israeli minister of public security Gilad Erdan came under stone-throwing attack on Wednesday evening as he was traveling aboard a car near Abu Dis town east of Occupied Jerusalem.

Three settlers injured in stone-throwing attacks in W. Bank

Three Jewish settlers on Thursday evening were injured when Palestinian young men hurled stones at buses carrying them on Road 60 between the illegal settlement on Mount al-Khalil (Hebron) and Occupied Jerusalem.

Settler injured in stone-throwing attack in O. Jerusalem

Palestinian young men on Thursday threw stones at an Israeli bus in Occupied Jerusalem wounding one Jewish settler.

Israeli forces arrest 3 children for throwing stones in Negev

Israeli police rounded up on Saturday three Palestinian children from the Negev in 1948 Occupied Palestine at the pretext of throwing stones at Israelis’ cars on Road 60 in the Negev.

Palestinian badly injured in settlers’ stone-throwing attack

A Palestinian young man was severely injured at dawn Friday when a horde of Jewish settlers savagely attacked him as he was driving his car on the main road between Nablus and Ramallah near Shilo settlement.