Mon 16-September-2024

Stone-throwing attacks

Israeli forces chase down Palestinians following alleged stone-attack

A manhunt has been launched by the Israeli forces on Wednesday evening in quest of Palestinians involved in an alleged stone-throwing attack in Occupied Jerusalem.

Palestinian youths throw stones at settlers’ cars south of Bethlehem

Palestinian young men on Monday night hurled stones at Jewish settlers’ cars on a road near the illegal settlement of Gush Etzion south of Bethlehem city in the occupied West Bank.

Israeli soldier injured in ambush in Taqua town

An Israeli soldier on Tuesday evening was injured when a group of Palestinian young men ambushed and attacked a military force at an entrance to Taqua town east of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank.

Israeli army terrorizes Zabouba residents threatens retaliation

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Saturday threatened Palestinian natives of Jenin’s western town of Zabouba in the northern West Bank with collective punishment.

4 Israelis wounded in anti-occupation stone throwing attacks

An Israeli soldier and three settlers sustained wounds on Wednesday evening in anti-occupation stoning attacks in Occupied Jerusalem.

Two settlers injured in stone throwing near Bethlehem

Two Jewish settlers were injured on Saturday after Palestinian youths threw stones at them to the west of Bethlehem.

Palestinian stone-hurling attack in response to Israeli aggressions

Palestinian protesters on Monday hurled stones at Israeli vehicles driving near Palestinian lands in western Bethlehem leaving an Israeli settler injured.

Palestinian rushed to hospital after being stoned by Israeli settlers

A Palestinian civilian was aggressively attacked on Monday evening by a horde of Israeli settlers in the northern occupied West Bank province of Jenin.

Intifada youths hurl stones at settlers’ cars north of al-Khalil

Palestinian young men on Thursday evening threw stones at Jewish settlers’ cars on a road near al-Arroub refugee camp north of al-Khalil amid intensive presence of Israeli occupation forces in nearby towns.

Young men stone settlers’ cars north of al-Khalil

Palestinian young men on Thursday night fended off Jewish settlers by showering their vehicles with stones on a road near Beit Ummar town north of al-Khalil in the West Bank.