Fri 20-September-2024


UNRWA staff union to resume strike in W. Bank and J’lem

The UNRWA staff union has announced that its members will resume the open-ended strike in all sectors in the West Bank and Jerusalem as of Saturday.

West Bank stages general strike over Tuesday martyrs

Palestinians in the occupied West Bank staged a general strike on Wednesday in mourning of the five martyrs who were killed by Israeli gunfire earlier Tuesday.

Palestinian schools in J’lem go on one-day strike

Palestinian schools in Occupied Jerusalem observed a one-day strike on Monday in protest at the Israeli attempts to change their curriculums and impose new textbooks on their students.

UNRWA staff stage strike at home and abroad

UNRWA employees at home and abroad went on strike today Monday due to the lack of response by the UN agency’s management to their just demands.

General strike in Umm al-Fahm

A general strike was observed in Umm al-Fahm in northern Occupied Palestine 1948 on Thursday in protest and mourning at the death of 17-year-old Mohammed Kiwan who was shot by Israeli police and succumbed to his wounds on Wednesday.

Strike marches in West Bank and 1948 occupied territories

The leadership of the Palestinian national and Islamic forces called for a comprehensive strike on Tuesday in all the occupied Palestinian homeland and the refugee camps condemning the continuous Israeli aggression against Palestinians.

Mass strike in al-Khalil following murder of Palestinian youth

A general strike has been staged in Beit Awwa village in the West Bank province of al-Khalil in protest at Israeli occupation forces' killing of 18-year-old Badawi al-Masalma on Saturday night.

Red sirens set off in illegal Israeli settlements south of al-Khalil

Alert cirens have been sounded across Israeli settlements south of al-Khalil province in the southern occupied West Bank.

UNRWA staff in Gaza on strike for 2nd day over infringed rights

Gaza-based staff from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestine refugees have been on a general strike for the second day protesting employee downsizing and the suspension of multiple services.

UNRWA staff in Gaza strike over service cuts

UNRWA staff in the Gaza Strip staged a general strike on Tuesday in protest at the agency's decisions to scale down its services and lay off hundreds of employees.