Thu 4-July-2024


Islamic Jihad condemns receiving Israeli delegation in Riyadh

The Islamic Jihad Movement has condemned allowing an Israeli delegation to attend a UNESCO meeting held in Saudi Arabia.

UNESCO to support cultural heritage of J’lem Old City

The Cultural Committee of the 40th UNESCO general conference which was attended by ministers of culture from around the world has called for taking new decisions to protect the world heritage in Occupied Jerusalem.

UNESCO adopts resolution denouncing Israel’s practices in J’lem

UNESCO’s Executive Board recently approved at its 207th session in Paris a draft resolution calling on Israel to stop its violations and unilateral actions against historic sites in Occupied Jerusalem.

UNESCO condemns Israeli killing of journalist Murtaja

United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on Tuesday condemned the Israeli army's killing of Palestinian photojournalist Yaser Murtaja while he was covering the Great March of Return in Gaza on Friday.

UNESCO notified of Israel’s departure from organization

The UNESCO has been formally notified of Israel’s withdrawal from the organization two months after it announced it would follow the US by walking out over resolutions on Palestine.

Israel says it will leave UNESCO after Christmas holiday

Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu has instructed his envoy to the UNESCO to submit a formal letter announcing Israel’s intent to leave the cultural organization.

After US withdrawal from UNESCO Israel to follow suit

Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered Israeli diplomats to prepare Israel’s withdrawal from the UNESCO in concert with Washington which announced its decision to pull out of the agency.

US decides to withdraw from UNESCO citing anti-Israel bias

The US has decided to withdraw from the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) accusing the body of "being biased against Israel.”

Haaretz: Arab states freeze UNESCO motions against Israel

A group of Arab countries headed by Jordan and the Palestinian Authority have backtracked on their intention to present resolutions critical of Israel’s policies in east Jerusalem the West Bank and the Gaza Strip at the UNESCO executive board session in Paris this week.

UNESCO: al-Khalil 4th Palestinian site on World Heritage List

Palestinian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Rula Ma'ay'ah announced on Friday registering the Old City of al-Khalil and the Ibrahimi Mosque on the UNESCO World Heritage List.