Mon 16-September-2024


Saudi Arabia contributes US$ 67 million to UNRWA

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD) has contributed US$ 67 million for projects to be implemented in Gaza the West Bank and Jordan UNRWA revealed on Monday.

China contributes US$ 300000 to UNRWA

The Government of the People’s Republic of China has contributed US$ 300000 to the UNRWA in support of the Agency’s core programs and services for Palestine refugees the UN agency revealed in a statement issued Thursday evening.

UNRWA employees on strike in Gaza O.J. W.B.

UNRWA Employees Union declared a general strike on Monday in the organization's main offices in Gaza Strip the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem.

UNRWA employees to strike in W. Bank and Gaza tomorrow

The Union of UNRWA Employees has declared a general strike on Monday at all the agency’s headquarters and facilities in the Gaza Strip and the northern West Bank in protest at its persistence in ignoring the just demands of employees and refugees.

Kuwait contributes US$ 5 million to UNRWA

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) declared a contribution of US$ 5 million received from the State of Kuwait in support of the Agency’s Syria Regional Crisis Emergency Appeal.

Baraka urges UNRWA to continue providing services for refugees

Hamas representative in Lebanon Ali Baraka has called on the UNRWA to continue providing services to the Palestinian refugees until the day they return to the homes they were expelled from.

Palestinians in Fawar camp to close UNRWA offices

Palestinian residents in Fawar refugee camp south of al-Khalil threatened on Monday to close UNRWA offices in the city in protest against its schools' crisis.

UNRWA: Israel is severely impeding Gaza reconstruction

Director of UNRWA Operations (DUO) in Gaza Bo Schack on Monday warned that the Israeli authorities are severely impeding Gaza reconstruction.

Protests against overcrowding at UNRWA West Bank schools

Local services committees north of occupied West Bank declared a series of protest steps against the overcrowding problem in UNRWA’s schools.

Palestinian refugees in Gaza call for sacking UNRWA chiefs

The Coordinating Commission for the Nakba Anniversary has called for firing Pierre Krahenbuhl and his deputy saying the agency’s services have declined notably after their appointment.

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